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War hero besmirched

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No but the Guardian would. It just seems that the rules change when its a left wing target. The red frothing starts.


If this is about Mark Thatcher and his dodgy dealings, I'm afraid if he breaks the law and organises coups and breaking anti mercenary laws then he's only got himself to blame.

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The Daily Mail, like any quality newspaper should always look into the backgrounds of politicians of all parties. In this case they have found that there are serious questions regarding the background and character of the Labour leader. Background in that his father kept very dodgy company, character in that Ed may be influenced by his fathers ultra left and possibly traitorous beliefs.


Regarding Conservative party members coming out in support of him, well they would wouldn't they? They know he has been badly damaged by this, the last thing they would want to b seen as is putting the boot in. Ed would get public sympathy if they did. Better to let him swing in the wind.


you may believe the mail to be a quality newspaper, but it does you no credit to think so


they are not serious questions regarding the background or character of ed miliband, they may be questions regarding the character and background of his father although i am not convinced as to the seriousness


by using the words "may" and "possibly" you "may" be right - but i am struggling to believe that you think so


and if you seriously believe that miliband is the one damaged by this... polite words fail me

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The Daily Mail, like any quality newspaper should always look into the backgrounds of politicians of all parties. In this case they have found that there are serious questions regarding the background and character of the Labour leader. Background in that his father kept very dodgy company, character in that Ed may be influenced by his fathers ultra left and possibly traitorous beliefs.


Regarding Conservative party members coming out in support of him, well they would wouldn't they? They know he has been badly damaged by this, the last thing they would want to b seen as is putting the boot in. Ed would get public sympathy if they did. Better to let him swing in the wind.


You think the Daily Mail is a quality newspaper :hihi: That is choice :hihi:


Oh dear you haven't got very high standards have you? Not that I thought you had judging by your dribblings posts :hihi:

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Thank you all for your replies. The quality of which is now deteriorating, I always think that once the abuse starts the argument is won.


Thanks again.


PS What a wonderful speech from Dave, now there is a man with no skeletons in the cupboard.

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Are they?


I thought that a politician's family was off limits.


I can't imagine the Daily Mail smearing David Cameron's or Nick Clegg's father in the same way.


All the Mail have done is show how right wing and twisted they are, in the process people who didn't know before know that the Mail had links with Moseley and other fascists.


Maybe another paper will smear his father name.


Ah yes I found one.

Cameron family fortune made in tax havens.

David Cameron's father built up legal offshore funds in Panama and Geneva


Heres one about Nick Clegs father in law.


But The Mail on Sunday has learned that Mr Gonzalez’s triumph in local elections is only part of the story of his political career.


What Mr Clegg neglected to mention was that Mr Gonzalez was already mayor at the time, having been appointed – not elected – during General Francisco Franco’s 36-year dictatorship.


Franco seized power during the Spanish Civil War and ruled subsequently with an iron fist, executing thousands of opponents, banning political parties and demanding unquestioning loyalty.


Nick Clegg Says It Is 'Unfair' To Drag Dad Into Benefit Payback Row

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Maybe another paper will smear his father name.


Ah yes I found one.

Cameron family fortune made in tax havens.

David Cameron's father built up legal offshore funds in Panama and Geneva


Heres one about Nick Clegs father in law.


But The Mail on Sunday has learned that Mr Gonzalez’s triumph in local elections is only part of the story of his political career.


What Mr Clegg neglected to mention was that Mr Gonzalez was already mayor at the time, having been appointed – not elected – during General Francisco Franco’s 36-year dictatorship.


Franco seized power during the Spanish Civil War and ruled subsequently with an iron fist, executing thousands of opponents, banning political parties and demanding unquestioning loyalty.


Nick Clegg Says It Is 'Unfair' To Drag Dad Into Benefit Payback Row


Just makes you realise what a sorry shower our media is. It seems to be getting worse.

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Absolutely right old boy, did you see that pillar of rectitude Alastair Campbell last night on TV?


I did what a toe rag. When he went on about besmirching the name of Milliband I was hoping the chap from the Mail said something about Dr Kelly or even the whole Iraqi nation in which he was responsible for bombs being dropped on kids... A total clown. I was also so hoping that Adam Boulton dropped him during this as well..


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you may believe the mail to be a quality newspaper, but it does you no credit to think so


they are not serious questions regarding the background or character of ed miliband, they may be questions regarding the character and background of his father although i am not convinced as to the seriousness


by using the words "may" and "possibly" you "may" be right - but i am struggling to believe that you think so


and if you seriously believe that miliband is the one damaged by this... polite words fail me


Sorry, thought I would just get this in before I leave you and rest of the comintern to it.


Miliband is finished, you could argue that he never got started. but the Daily Mail has done for him. The public in South Yorkshire will of course vote Labour. but in the more discriminatory areas its all over for him, he is a Norwegian Blue, a singer in the choir eternal. a Dead Parrot.

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