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War hero besmirched

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ralph milliband sserved in the royal navy through the war - he served at the D Day landings, he campaigned for a free, peaceful socialist britain all his life.


Lord rothermere was a fascist collaborator - he put 'hurrah for the blackshirts' on the front page of his dirty rag 'the mail', he met with and supported hitler (from whom ralph escaped).


the mail slanders ralph milliband!!!????? er.................................


Marxism is not peaceful.


and the phrase "my enemy's enemy is my friend" comes to mind after hearing how much he disliked many aspects of the British nation.


but, then again, this is all well in the past and Miliband Jnr is not his father.

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It's a political theory.


This is getting dumber by the minute.


True, in fact there is no definitive Marxist theory as its more of an ideology. Kinda' like fascism, but no one would say fascism was peaceful, well not in practice.

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The real issue coming out of this is Eds reaction, can you see Blair, Brown or any other former PM reacting in this way?


If the Daily Mail article is wrong, as Ed claims, then it becomes irrelevant. It will soon fade into oblivion. It is Ed who has kept this going with help from the Labour parties pet attack dog Campbell.


Given his reaction to provocation is he the right man to be in charge of the nuclear button? As Prime Minister he needs to be cold and calculated, this outbreak of near hysteria does not bode well.


I have slept on it and I have come to the conclusion that, as usual, I am right. Dead Parrot.


---------- Post added 03-10-2013 at 16:20 ----------


Marxism is not peaceful.


and the phrase "my enemy's enemy is my friend" comes to mind after hearing how much he disliked many aspects of the British nation.


but, then again, this is all well in the past and Miliband Jnr is not his father.


Relatives of Hitler are alive and well and living in Canada. It one of them came over here and stood for parliament would you feel that his background was relevant?

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True, in fact there is no definitive Marxist theory as its more of an ideology. Kinda' like fascism, but no one would say fascism was peaceful, well not in practice.


It's not like Fascism at all. Fascism has been implemented in many countries but nobody can say the same for Marxism

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Given his reaction to provocation is he the right man to be in charge of the nuclear button?

You could say similiar about men who leave their children in pubs. ;)

It's not like Fascism at all. Fascism has been implemented in many countries but nobody can say the same for Marxism

You've got no chance of keeping that afloat.

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Oh yes it is because they are both totalitarian

Not exactly. Political philosophy is a little more complex.


In rough terms, historically, they both tend towards one party states. That's been true. Marx however doesn't argue for that, just a "rule of the proletariat". It is how people put that into practice that varies.

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Oh yes it is because they are both totalitarian, two opposite extremes controlled by dictators!


Marxism is not a dictatorship and was never formulated into an exact system. Marx himself never said people should do one thing or another but speculated what would happen to society if different conditions were met. The political right do not like Marxism for its criticism of Capitalism, yet every country in the world operates a capitalist system.




---------- Post added 03-10-2013 at 16:48 ----------


Anyway, back on track. Everyone know the DM was wrong in what it did, even if they don't like to admit it. The DM said it will apologise this Sunday, no doubt to try and boost its circulation, but in doing so I also suspect they will not pass off the opportunity to have another swipe to some lesser extent.

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