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War hero besmirched

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not sure of the precise date of the lefty 17 year old kid's diary entry, but if it was before June 1941, then the Nazi-Soviet pact was still in place, therefore that makes it even less surprising that Miliband said that 'sometimes' he thought it would be good if Britain lost the war. I assure you countless thousands if not millions of left wing born and bred bread and dripping Brits 'sometimes' felt the same at that particular stage in the war. Once Germany invaded Russia, they together with the jolly old Daily Worker suddenly got all patriotic.

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not sure of the precise date of the lefty 17 year old kid's diary entry, but if it was before June 1941, then the Nazi-Soviet pact was still in place, therefore that makes it even less surprising that Miliband said that 'sometimes' he thought it would be good if Britain lost the war. I assure you countless thousands if not millions of left wing born and bred bread and dripping Brits 'sometimes' felt the same at that particular stage in the war. Once Germany invaded Russia, they together with the jolly old Daily Worker suddenly got all patriotic.


So no different than many Oswald Mosley supporters did two years earlier.

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Perhaps he meant the British people would be better off without the establishment and Royalty, the class system, using working people as cannon fodder etc.


I don't think he meant having his fellow troops blown to bits. It was a symbolic statement, IMO.


I like the sound of him TBH...

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I don't think anybody saw any need to intern any Communists at all in Britain during WW2, unlike Fascists - even in the time of the Nazi-Soviet pact. At least not, just for being Communists. Though I would be quite interesting to know. It is probably more than likely the many German and Italian civilians that got locked up may have been Communists, probably sharing cells and quarters with Nazis like many German Jewish refugees did.

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You are just being silly, address the debate properly, your insistence on having the last word is a bit sad, your argument has sunk slowly and your last comment is pathetic.
Judging by some of your remarks I expect you agree with that idiot Quentin Letts that's speaking on "Question Time" at the moment.
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