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War hero besmirched

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He wasnt any braver than anyone else,he fought because he hated the National Socialists who drove him from mainland Europe,he didnt fight because he loved this country.
You can hardly expect someone to love a Country they've just arrived in.
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Judging by some of your remarks I expect you agree with that idiot Quentin Letts that's speaking on "Question Time" at the moment.


I neither agree nor disagree, the issue has been raised, quite properly, by the Daily Mail. My issues are, that as Milliband senior was an avowed communist, revolutionary socialist, etc, that this precludes him from being a loyal subject. By adhering to the principles of communism his must have been an international viewpoint.


If he has transmitted these beliefs to his son then we should be made aware of Eds real agenda. He has already stated that his government will interfere in the energy industry and will compulsory purchase land. This is at least ultra left wing ideology.


My second issue is his emotional stability, all politicians have their backgrounds looked into, sometimes intrusively, his reaction has been effeminate, emotional and borderline hysterical. Do we want this in a Prime Minister?


---------- Post added 04-10-2013 at 11:11 ----------


At the end of the day the DM tried to influence public opinion to align it with their own political views and it has backfired on them


The chattering classes are outraged, but Ed is finished, holed below the waterline. The public will never trust him.


---------- Post added 04-10-2013 at 11:13 ----------


If any one wants to make an official complaint against this obscene article. This is how to do it.




I applaud this article, it has exposed the hypocrisy behind the Labour front bench.


A great public service has been performed by Mr Dacre and his brave reporters.

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....I have looked at National Socialism and I like what I see,I am a free thinker and I wont be put off by negative views.....


He wasnt any braver than anyone else,he fought because he hated the National Socialists who drove him from mainland Europe,he didnt fight because he loved this country.


At least he did fight against Hitler. Your own views would have had you either fighting for the Third Reich or classed as a traitor and interned with Moseley.


---------- Post added 04-10-2013 at 11:21 ----------


He has already stated that his government ....will compulsory purchase land. This is at least ultra left wing ideology.


Another politician consumed with ultra left-wing ideology in support of the compulsory purchase of land is that wild-eyed Trot from the lunatic fringe, Boris Johnson;


"Boris Johnson has threatened large housing developers sitting on land until its value goes up with tough compulsory purchase orders unless they start building."


Read all abaht it;



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My second issue is his emotional stability, all politicians have their backgrounds looked into, sometimes intrusively, his reaction has been effeminate, emotional


These would make you a bad PM?


and borderline hysterical. Do we want this in a Prime Minister?


You made that up.


The chattering classes are outraged


You most certainly are.


Ed is finished, holed below the waterline. The public will never trust him..


They don't have to, they just have to distrust the other guy more. That isn't difficult.

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