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War hero besmirched

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People still hold left-wing views,and are proud to do so.You seem to see this characteristic as something to be ashamed of.
No I don't.

I may not be left wing, but my own late father was to a lesser degree, and if anyone had called him evil for being so I would have been mortified.

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Newspapers can't write. They can only be written. The man who wrote "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" in the Daily Mail has been dead for nearly three quarters of a century.


But the political leanings of those who own and write for it haven't changed much have they?


Let's hope the PCC give them the large fine and public bollocking they deserve.

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He didn't say that though did he?


According to the Fail it was ''you sometimes want them almost to lose [the war] to show them how things are".


Which is really not the same thing at all is it?

Besides, he was seventeen when he wrote that and newly arrived.


What is your opinion on Nigel Farage's recent revelation that he said some naughty things while a schoolboy. Should they be ignored as well?

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Newspapers can't write. They can only be written. The man who wrote "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" in the Daily Mail has been dead for nearly three quarters of a century.


so when rothermere supports fascism it's irrelevent 75 yrs later, but when a brave young refugee from fascism deplores nationalism it's front page news 75 yrs later. In the same paper.


good argument mate. don't give up the day job.

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so when rothermere supports fascism it's irrelevent 75 yrs later, but when a brave young refugee from fascism deplores nationalism it's front page news 75 yrs later. In the same paper.


good argument mate. don't give up the day job.

You tell me. If the Mail are wrong for printing this story than the left are wrong for constantly bringing up the fact that the Mail once supported Hitler. Either both are wrong or neither are. I think neither are. We should have a free press, and you can't libel the dead.

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What is your opinion on Nigel Farage's recent revelation that he said some naughty things while a schoolboy. Should they be ignored as well?


farage is accused of being an active and outspoken racist who marched through a village singing hitler youth songs - that's not 'naughty things' that's vile and it's difficult to look at him without revulsion.


ralph was appalled by the nationalism and xenophobia of many brits - he was right.

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He didn't say that though did he?


According to the Fail it was ''you sometimes want them almost to lose [the war] to show them how things are".


Which is really not the same thing at all is it?

Besides, he was seventeen when he wrote that and newly arrived.


Two minutes in the country and slagging it off, not very grateful was he.

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