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War hero besmirched

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Most political types make dodgy quotes at some time. Even the darling of the left said this....


Barack Obama: "This is me following through. on an understanding that dates back to our founding fathers, that we are willing to observe core standards of conduct not just when it's easy but also when it's hard."

And so said Obama as he signed an executive order to close Guantanamo Bay in 2009.


Over four years later the prison camp remains open with 166 prisoners 86 of whom have been cleared for release but are stuck in a legal limbo with nowhere to go.


Many are currently on hunger strike in a desperate attempt to highlight their plight.:hihi:


PS The laughing thing is at Obama not at those on hunger strike..

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farage is accused of being an active and outspoken racist who marched through a village singing hitler youth songs - that's not 'naughty things' that's vile and it's difficult to look at him without revulsion.


ralph was appalled by the nationalism and xenophobia of many brits - he was right.

Do you think we'd have still won the war if British people hadn't have been proud of their country and keen to defend it against other lesser nations who wished to invade it?

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You tell me. If the Mail are wrong for printing this story than the left are wrong for constantly bringing up the fact that the Mail once supported Hitler. Either both are wrong or neither are. I think neither are. We should have a free press, and you can't libel the dead.


No, but you appear to be expressing tacit approval for lying, distorting and exaggerating the truth in an attempt to besmirch a dead man's reputation to attack his son.


Are you saying that you think that's a fair or reasonable way for a newspaper to behave?

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Two minutes in the country and slagging it off, not very grateful was he.


He started a now common place practice of biting the hand that feeds you...


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 09:01 ----------


No, but you appear to be expressing tacit approval for lying, distorting and exaggerating the truth in an attempt to besmirch a dead man's reputation to attack his son.


Are you saying that you think that's a fair or reasonable way for a newspaper to behave?


The only person who knows the truth is now dead. You're making assertions based on your political leanings as are the Daily Mail..

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No, but you appear to be expressing tacit approval for lying, distorting and exaggerating the truth in an attempt to besmirch a dead man's reputation to attack his son.


Are you saying that you think that's a fair or reasonable way for a newspaper to behave?

In what way have the Mail done any of that? It seems to be very straightforward to me. Did Miliband Sr. not say that he sometimes wished we would lose the war?


It all sounds to me like a total contempt of British working class people. The same contempt that lead Labour to think it was ok to "rub the right's nose in diversity" by allowing mass immigration, with no concern of the effects it would have on people's pay and working conditions. The left has always treated working people with contempt. Miliband is no different.

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You tell me. If the Mail are wrong for printing this story than the left are wrong for constantly bringing up the fact that the Mail once supported Hitler. Either both are wrong or neither are. I think neither are. We should have a free press, and you can't libel the dead.


sorry happ you've completely lost me now mate. I'm saying that the mail are wrong on both fronts -


1 supporting hitler was(I hope you agree) about as bad as any british publication ever got. not something to forget in a hurry. something to judge them by till hell freezes over.


2 besmirching ralph M isn't as bad as supporting the nazis admittedly - but it's nasty, nationalistic and cheap & that's why they did it - their small minded, racist, homophobic, bigoted readership like that kind of thing - the most stupid of them don't even care that the rag they buy supported the holocaust.


perhaps you're one

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Newspapers can't write. They can only be written. The man who wrote "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" in the Daily Mail has been dead for nearly three quarters of a century.


Wrote, written does it matter? it was on the front page of the Daily Mail. Ralph Milliband died in 1994, neither he nor Lord Rothermere can defend themselves but I suspect there is more evidence of Lord Rothermere's support for Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler than there is for Ralph Millibands support for Stalin.

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