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War hero besmirched

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Do you think we'd have still won the war if British people hadn't have been proud of their country and keen to defend it against other lesser nations who wished to invade it?


Proud doesn't just win conflicts. We would have lost without the nationals of other nations. It wasn't a case of we've won the war come and help us, it was a case of come help us win the war. Without them we'd have lost and you'd most likely be happy goose-stepping.

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Newspapers can't write. They can only be written. The man who wrote "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" in the Daily Mail has been dead for nearly three quarters of a century.


Ralph Miliband has been dead for 19 years so what? You seem to think this is a "Who's been dead the longest competition"

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Sorry? Run that by me again?


read it again. whilst ralph m and his dad were active anti fascists, jewish ones at that, campaigning against nazism and warning that a holocaust was brewing across europe, the daily mail hierarchy were taking tea with hitler and funding blackshirts in the UK. I'm guessing you are implying that rothermere supported nazism in 'good faith' blissfully unaware that it was an evil and would lead to disaster. all over the world, people knew better.


'fess up - you read it don't you

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All publications enter into smear campaigns. Its politics. If what they said about Marxiband is true then he deserves it. If not it was wrong.


Nobody knows what he thought at the time, only him.

The DM highlighted some political comment about Britain Ralph Miliband had written in his diary at the age of 17.

How ridiculous to assume what a person thinks at that age is going to be the same through the rest of their life.

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Rothermere died in 1940.


I don't think he anticipated the Holocaust any more than Henry Ford did.


As for people writing stupid things at 17, that's fine. But lefties never seem to progress beyond the intellectual age they were at 17. That's why many of them talk about their student days so fondly. They never moved on beyond that. They never reached adulthood, just a stunted extended adolescence, funded by the state. Hence all the frothing at the mouth whenever the Tories are in power and making cuts to the welfare state and public sector.

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Yet again newspapers continue to dish the dirt when will it all end, all those brave souls who were called up in ww2 fought bravely for their country and never came back . I do think though that something said when your young shouldn't be taken serously, it's almost like another life.

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As for people writing stupid things at 17, that's fine. But lefties never seem to progress beyond the intellectual age they were at 17. That's why many of them talk about their student days so fondly. They never moved on beyond that. They never reached adulthood, just a stunted extended adolescence, funded by the state. Hence all the frothing at the mouth whenever the Tories are in power and making cuts to the welfare state and public sector.


I'm a leftie and I've never been a student, left school with nothing and I've grafted all my life. You won't find me on internet forums at 3:00am in the morning.

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Rothermere died in 1940.


I don't think he anticipated the Holocaust any more than Henry Ford did.


As for people writing stupid things at 17, that's fine. But lefties never seem to progress beyond the intellectual age they were at 17. That's why many of them talk about their student days so fondly. They never moved on beyond that. They never reached adulthood, just a stunted extended adolescence, funded by the state. Hence all the frothing at the mouth whenever the Tories are in power and making cuts to the welfare state and public sector.


rothermere & ford didn't 'anticipate' the holocaust? others did, millions of 'lefties' with their intellectual ages of 17 'anticipated' it very well - they saw what happened in spain, italy germany croatia etc and knew that fascism = mass death. rothermere and other 'righties' thought otherwise & and they had the personal word of hitler and mussolini to back them up.


does it bother you that you would've been on their side?


the mail have screwed up if everyone is now reminded of their national socialist past

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