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War hero besmirched

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Ed Milliband's dad is also dead, but that doesn't stop the Mail using him as a stick to try and beat his son with. Of course, as he is dead he cannot sue. The Mail are not stupid...






...just reprehensible.

So where is the problem. Lefties have been "besmirching" the Daily Mail forever because their owner said something in the 1930s. Why is it suddenly beyond the pale when righties "besmirch" the Labour leader because his dad said something in the 1940s? Given that Ed Miliband has said that he gets a lot of his political thought from his father, how can it not be relevant?

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Shushhhhh, the person the thread is about, its a secret though


I'll keep stum for now Pete.


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 22:42 ----------


So where is the problem. Lefties have been "besmirching" the Daily Mail forever because their owner said something in the 1930s. Why is it suddenly beyond the pale when righties "besmirch" the Labour leader because his dad said something in the 1940s? Given that Ed Miliband has said that he gets a lot of his political thought from his father, how can it not be relevant?


What's that mean HH?

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Judging from the responses I've been reading, and from the Mail's own online website. The hatchet job on Miliband's Dad has backfired. Apparently some of the paper's most ardent supporters are are complaining that Levy's article is stomach churning.


I reckon that this is the Mail's warning shot to Ed over Leveson. And it sends a message to other politicians:


"Don't **** with us"


I hope the Mail dies a slow death from ingesting its own venom.

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Judging from the responses I've been reading, and from the Mail's own online website. The hatchet job on Miliband's Dad has backfired. Apparently some of the paper's most ardent supporters are are complaining that Levy's article is stomach churning.


I reckon that this is the Mail's warning shot to Ed over Leveson. And it sends a message to other politicians:


"Don't **** with us"


I hope the Mail dies a slow death from ingesting its own venom.


Is it untrue? Did he say it? I haven't even read it. Did they quote his actual words? If so its true and they have nothing to be ashamed of. If they made it up, that's wrong.

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I doubt the comments on the Mail website are from "it's most ardent supporters".


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 23:35 ----------


I'll keep stum for now Pete.


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 22:42 ----------



What's that mean HH?

soiled - defiled - stained - smirched - sullied - smeared - tarnished

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Is it untrue? Did he say it? I haven't even read it. Did they quote his actual words? If so its true and they have nothing to be ashamed of. If they made it up, that's wrong.


Yes they (the Daily Heil), distorted the words from Michael Newman's autobiography Ralph Miliband to smear him. Classic Mail hatchet job


I doubt the comments on the Mail website are from "it's most ardent supporters".



I suspect your right HH, its most ardent supporters are dribbling fools with addled brains

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I wish people would just shut up about the Daily Mail and ignore it. All the publicity they get from threads like this just make them the most popular online news site in the world.


Just ignore them instead! They want a reaction like this because it puts them in the news and sells more newspapers and advertising.

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I wish people would just shut up about the Daily Mail and ignore it. All the publicity they get from threads like this just make them the most popular online news site in the world.



Sadly tits and bullshid sell. There's no shortage of vacuous morons who lap it up simply because their dead from top lip upwards I'm afraid.

The irony is that the editorial and journalistic staff who are obviously cunningly intelligent who fight:hihi: the cause of the "common" man, (their readership who need really big simple words..some highlighted in Red for the extra difficult.) wouldn't share the same oxygen with them. Hyper space yeah, but not oxygen.

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