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War hero besmirched

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Given that newspapers are no more than propaganda tools, why do people still read them ? :huh: Is it some perverse affirmation ?


I guess most people are loyal to one newspaper, but now the net is so accessible why limit yourself to one view via print ?


I find it all very odd.

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he put 'hurrah for the blackshirts' on the front page of his dirty rag 'the mail'

You can read the original "hurrah for the blackshirts" editorial here [LINK]


Rather embarrassing support for Germany and Italy in there.


If the British Government were reorganised similar to Italy's and Germany's, which are Europe's best governed nations, Britain would re- gain pre-eminence.


Oh dear.

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So where is the problem. Lefties have been "besmirching" the Daily Mail forever because their owner said something in the 1930s. Why is it suddenly beyond the pale when righties "besmirch" the Labour leader because his dad said something in the 1940s? Given that Ed Miliband has said that he gets a lot of his political thought from his father, how can it not be relevant?


And the newspaper is still saying similar things today whereas Raplh Miliband is unable to defend himself and what if Ralph Miliband was a Marxist, whatever that is, anyway?


---------- Post added 02-10-2013 at 07:39 ----------


Given that newspapers are no more than propaganda tools, why do people still read them ? :huh: Is it some perverse affirmation ?


I guess most people are loyal to one newspaper, but now the net is so accessible why limit yourself to one view via print ?


I find it all very odd.


It's because, as all media sources do, have a political persuasion but do contain news; unless they are newspapers, which is yesterday's news. However, the vast majority of media companies try to infuence their viewers/readers with opinions. I think it was Russell Brand who said something like, "Newspapers don't sell news, they pedal opinions" I've gone on record before as saying that if you cut all the rubbish and waffle from a newspaper, you'd be lcuky to get half a page of news.

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The Mail has repeated the allegation...


There's an interesting comment below it-


Don't you just love how socialists try and re-write history. We've had Brown in denial for the financial mess he made of regulating the banks, Balls whose neck was deep in it also denies any blame for bankrupting the country and its obvious that communists like Milibands father along with most of the Labour party are no different. They take advantage of all that a free democratic capitalist country offers them and having got into power, they try to take it over and make themselves the ruling elite. There is NO true equality or comradeship amongst socialists whatever they might say as the evidence is to the contrary.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2439565/As-Ed-Miliband-reacts-angrily-critique-Marxist-father--We-repeat-This-man-did-hate-Britain.html#ixzz2gY7gYLq8

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The Mail has repeated the allegation...


There's an interesting comment below it-


Don't you just love how socialists try and re-write history. We've had Brown in denial for the financial mess he made of regulating the banks

Yep. It was those socialist banks that made the mess.


The Ralph Miliband piece in The Daily Mail is a rehash of some McCarthy era Red-Menace attack. It's ugly to see.

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If the Mail are wrong for printing this story than the left are wrong for constantly bringing up the fact that the Mail once supported Hitler. Either both are wrong or neither are.

False dichotomy. The Daily Mail did support Hitler. That's true.


Calling Ralph Miliband evil, and saying he hated Britain, is a judgement. An opinion. Opinions can be wrong, where facts are always true.

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Yep. It was those socialist banks that made the mess.


The Ralph Miliband piece in The Daily Mail is a rehash of some McCarthy era Red-Menace attack. It's ugly to see.


How did you feel about the recent "revelations" about Nigel Farage's school years. Were you a critic in the same way because a schoolboy's, alleged, support for fascists were published?


There's such hypocrisy here.


I asked Halibut the same question yesterday, and he seemed to have a different attitude to both incidents. What about you?


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 22:24 ----------


False dichotomy. The Daily Mail did support Hitler. That's true.


Calling Ralph Miliband evil, and saying he hated Britain, is a judgement. An opinion. Opinions can be wrong, where facts are always true.


But surely it was the Editor, if true, who supported Hitler. A newspaper is not a human. The paper can't support anyone. Its a piece of paper. The Editor at the time is dead, so why should today's staff suffer because of this long dead leaning?

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