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Cameron, No dole for under 25's

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It says that he says the He conceded that the controversial idea of limiting housing benefit and jobseekers allowance to the over-25s will be seized on by opponents as 'callous'; oh and it's in the Daily Fail.


He forgot to add also that someone will probably challenge it on the grounds of age discrimination.

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But I wholeheartedly agree with this, if the under 25 are not in full time education then benefit should not be payed to them. A scheme of community employment could be arranged and benefit paid that way ... no work, no money!

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I wonder? If kids who fail to embrace the free education they receive and leave school with little or no hope of obtaining a job. What if the parents were forced to pay for these peoples upkeep until they reach 25? Would parents (in certain parts of the class system) then become more involved in their childrens education?


It works in Scandinavian countries with teen pregnancies. The parents of the girls who get pregnant have to pay for their upkeep, thus the do their best to insure their teenage daughters do not get pregnant. All resulting in some of the worlds lowest teen pregnancy rates.


It seems when people and families are forced to take responsibility, they change their behavior accordingly.


I didn't see the speech but I bet that rubbed the erogenous zones of the Tory faithful. I doubt there'd have been a dry seat at the conference hall in Manchester after they heard that.


I almost spat my tea out reading this. Well done :)

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It sounds OK to me and its precisely what my kids were offered.


He wants to offer all young people the opportunity to be learning or earning, mine chose both, doing nothing for a free tax payer hand out should not be a option.

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So everyone has read the headlines which are the complete opposite of what he said and then moan about it. Yay.


Then please explain this article that you haven't bothered to read?


"Under-25s should be banned from claiming the dole, David Cameron warned today as he signalled a fresh Tory crackdown on welfare.

The Prime Minister used his speech to the Tory party conference to set out his vision of Britain as a 'land of opportunity' where everyone has the chance to get a decent job, buy a home or start a business.

But he revealed the next Conservative manifesto is likely to promise to withdraw benefits for school leavers so that they can no longer 'opt for a life on benefits".

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