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Cameron, No dole for under 25's

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Can I also ask what the situation would be for under 25's with young families?


---------- Post added 03-10-2013 at 13:27 ----------


Where did I write "all unemployed are illiterates" in my post? Wind your neck in, why don't you.

Ah, so according to you, it would be wrong for Brits to seek to have the same advantage, reciprocally. I see.


As for what languages, sure, here you go: Chinese (Mandarin), Portuguese, Spanish and French (listed in order of global useability, with a small dose of foresight). Russian, if you want to hedge your bets. German, not quite as useful as these...but if you can slot it in, by all means do.



"For a great many, no doubt, to read and write properly," sounds like a fairly patronising attitude to me....


As for the languages thing, nothing wrong with learning another language, but the point I was trying to make was that us learning a language might make it possible to work in one other country, whereas a foreigner learning English makes it possible to work in several countries.


And anyway, many European countries have a worse youth unemployment problem than we do.

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Did I say it was? Where are Ed Balls' jobs coming from?


You don't have to say you were, everyone can see you were.


I've told you to ask Balls those questions as he is the one trying to develop the plan, as I told you. Now you answer mine. You obviously disagree with my views so why do you think the tory plan is better?

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You don't have to say you were, everyone can see you were.


I've told you to ask Balls those questions as he is the one trying to develop the plan, as I told you. Now you answer mine. You obviously disagree with my views so why do you think the tory plan is better?


Did I say I thought it was? Just because I question one thing doesn't necessarily mean I agree with the other.. You're the one openly supporting Balls' plan so where are Balls' jobs coming from?

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"For a great many, no doubt, to read and write properly," sounds like a fairly patronising attitude to me...
"Fairly patronising"? So, not "incredibly patronising" any more?


It's only patronising if I hold most, if not all, unemployed as illiterates. That is not the case at all.


Had you bothered to read the rest of my post, rather than jump to conclusions, you would have been able to see a scale for the issue, which I know to be reasonably accurate for one specific country, of 20%. For an entire class of age, it's a lot of people. And it is a fair assumption that they are going to be disproportionately represented amongst the unemployed. That makes it "a great many". But not all, far from it.

As for the languages thing, nothing wrong with learning another language, but the point I was trying to make was that us learning a language might make it possible to work in one other country, whereas a foreigner learning English makes it possible to work in several countries.

Portuguese and Spanish = all of South America. To begin with.

Mandarin = most of South East Asia

Russian = Russia and most ex-USSR states, some central African countries

French = France, Monaco, Switzerland, Eastern Canada, a sizeable portion of Africa (top to bottom), a sizeable portion of the Carribbean, many countries about the Indian Ocean, many nation-islands in the Pacific


That's off the cuff, I could go on/in further details.


...Maybe the extra learning should be about broadening minds instead. There is clearly a widespread need. That's meant to be patronising, btw.

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Did I say it was? Where are Ed Balls' jobs coming from?


As per the Labour party line, the public sector. Money will be borrowed and taxes will go up to invent new jobs in the public sector.


The Tories will not throw money at the public sector, and as per their policies, will make it more attractive financially for the private sector to employ these people. These people will, in time, pay back into the system what the employer took out of it to employ them in the first place.


If the jobs are not there in the private sector, then they can gain new skills instead. It's easy to scoff at the idea of sending under 25s back to further education, but as anyone who has interviewed young people for low skill jobs recently can attest, some of these people desperately need skills. Not just employment skills, but social and attitude skills as well.

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Did I say I thought it was? Just because I question one thing doesn't necessarily mean I agree with the other.. You're the one openly supporting Balls' plan so where are Balls' jobs coming from?


So you have no intention of answering then ...

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I'm staggered that an idea that educates people who don't have a job (and therefore no skills or not current skills) is getting panned. There are kids in developing countries who will cross mine fields to learn and folk are getting all mardy that under 25s will get PAID to be educated if not in work. Failing that they won't do jobs the foreigners will cross continents for.


No wonder this country is going down the bog. In fact, if this forum is anything to go by, we're already there.

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