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Cameron, No dole for under 25's

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Yeah, learning stuff is an awful punishment.


As has been said before - nothing wrong with learning stuff, but is that what these changes are really about?


They have to something with them if they are not able to claim benefits, (preferably at minimal cost,) and my bet is that it won't be anything worthwhile.


Can anybody tell me what the position will be with under 25's who have a family? And graduates under 25 who come out of work?

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As has been said before - nothing wrong with learning stuff, but is that what these changes are really about?


They have to something with them if they are not able to claim benefits, (preferably at minimal cost,) and my bet is that it won't be anything worthwhile.


Can anybody tell me what the position will be with under 25's who have a family? And graduates under 25 who come out of work?


I don't know Anna but I'd rather see some ideas fleshed out (like what does happen if you have paid in from 18, got kids etc) but universal condemnation without anything like an alternative seems like your running down hope for the sake of running down hope or good ideas, or even any ideas. If you keep talking down the prospects of this country (regardless of who is charge - it annoyed me when the media helped talk us into recession when brown was in charge) you'll have a generation not wanting to get out of bed. It's not healthy.

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I don't know Anna but I'd rather see some ideas fleshed out (like what does happen if you have paid in from 18, got kids etc) but universal condemnation without anything like an alternative seems like your running down hope for the sake of running down hope or good ideas, or even any ideas. If you keep talking down the prospects of this country (regardless of who is charge - it annoyed me when the media helped talk us into recession when brown was in charge) you'll have a generation not wanting to get out of bed. It's not healthy.



Point taken.


I worry about this myself.


IHowever, if you're interested, I've written in the thread`entitled 'A light hearted look at poverty and how to deal with it.' why I feel it's necessary to keep banging on about things.


I'd be interested in your input.

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The thing I find very odd in all these changes to the benefits system, is the relatively small cost to the country of benefits. It's not going to save us all that much money when JSA makes up about 1% of government expenditure.

Imagine JSA was completely abolished, the saving wouldn't even put a noticeable dent into the deficit!


Which does make the whole thing look more like a PR exercise... A rather stupid one IMO though, as the conservatives are alienating more potential voters who claimed benefits, than they are pleasing voters who didn't.


Most sensible post on the thread.


It's clearly a PR stunt to keep the conference delegates happy.

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Would it help if all advertised jobs were in one place and not scattered about. The Federation of Small Businesses suggested this in one of their earlier reports.




If 1.5m jobs are advertised abroad why can't they be advertised in the job centre too

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Point taken.


I worry about this myself.


IHowever, if you're interested, I've written in the thread`entitled 'A light hearted look at poverty and how to deal with it.' why I feel it's necessary to keep banging on about things.


I'd be interested in your input.


Having read it, I'd really rather not to be honest it will just turn into "we're all doomed" and I'll want to run into heavy, speeding traffic. I've enough on my plate without trying to wrestle with global inequalities. And frankly I don't wont to encourage the thread starter.

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Having read it, I'd really rather not to be honest it will just turn into "we're all doomed" and I'll want to run into heavy, speeding traffic. I've enough on my plate without trying to wrestle with global inequalities. And frankly I don't wont to encourage the thread starter.


OK, that's fine.

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