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Cameron, No dole for under 25's

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Isnt that more about children watch too much TV and going online; or their schooling?
Sounds like schooling issues to me.


TVs/computers/consoles/the like have been around for some decades now.


Computer use still requires reading and typing, mostly.

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Sounds like schooling issues to me.


TVs/computers/consoles/the like have been around for some decades now.


Computer use still requires reading and typing, mostly.


Surely that's grounds to improve the education they receive before 18, not to force the unemployed back into a learning environment that already failed them.

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Surely that's grounds to improve the education they receive before 18, not to force the unemployed back into a learning environment that already failed them.
Indeed...but what do you do with those that have already come out of the system without the necessary skills, as highlighted in the linked article? Abandon them to their fate?


That was my very point way-back-when, which you took issue with.

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No, this thread is about a plan to make the unemployed 18-25 go back to learning for their dole :loopy:




I dont think it is; it is a way of stopping them claiming. We need people to clean the toilets and work on fill shelves in the supermarket.

They already stay on an extra year, compared to when I was at school, and I can quite easily find work.

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I dont think it is
I'll simply refer you back to the OP and the link. Can't make it any more unequivocal.

; it is a way of stopping them claiming.
How so? As I understand "the plan", they'd still claim, and get. Only they'be learning and looking for jobs, instead of just looking for jobs.


It may well turn out to be an underhand statistical tactic, turning into an A4-like debacle.


But until it's fleshed out and rolled out, why not give the benefit of the doubt, at least for now?

We need people to clean the toilets and work on fill shelves in the supermarket.
Who said these type of jobs have to be a lifelong career?


I've filled shelves in supermarkets and sweeped building sites, no doubt many more professionals have, early in their student/working life.

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But until it's fleshed out and rolled out, why not give the benefit of the doubt, at least for now?


Its just a loopy policy, to get back the UKIP voters :hihi:


I have gone to nigh school, because my exam results were poor. But none of the extra GCSEs that I got have ever been used, they just looked better on my CV.

And these GCSEs have/are not always free; perhaps they should change that, before doing political stunts like this.

They will come back to the political center ground, it would be daft not to.

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I have gone to nigh school, because my exam results were poor. But none of the extra GCSEs that I got have ever been used, they just looked better on my CV.
Neither has the Honours Degree I took when I first came to the UK in 1994, strictly speaking. Not then, and ever-less since.


But that does not mean that it never played a part, or even the major part, in keeping my CV in the "let's interview them" pile and eventually landing me a job. It certainly got me onto the M&S fast-track management induction process - until I decided I really couldn't see myself in retail, working weekends :D

And these GCSEs have/are not always free; perhaps they should change that, before doing political stunts like this.
Agreed, I mooted this earlier:

Moreover, a lot of such courses are not free. E.g. HNCs/HNDs. They should be.
But then, doing so would be part of the 'political stunt' ;)
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