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Cameron, No dole for under 25's

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A4e costs an absolute fortune and is rubbish. It gets 4 out of every hundred into a job (govt. figure) - whether that's a sustainable job, part time, temporary, or 0 hours I don't know, but it's a depressingly low figure.


I suspect this will be more of the same. It is simply a ruse to reduce unemployment figures and benefits.


The real solution, (the only solution) is more proper jobs; 2 and a half million of them.


Do we know whether its a4e courses Cameron is on about or proper education/training? No we don't.

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The young need proper jobs apprenticeships,they need to learn a trade,like my generation did I went straight from school straight into a job as an apprentice mechanic,can't they financially encourage companies to take apprentices on,give them some support,I think every garage or engineering works or any big company should have some apprentices,I went to Granville collage on day release,why can't there more of that happening,my apprenticeship has helped me all my life always kept me in work,the young people are being chastised for things that are not the fault of the young people they need help not threats..I'm sure most young people want to work and have a bit of money to spend..

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Repeating the failure to teach them to read and write effectively isn't a solution. That's what I think the new scheme would amount to. And this is what we disagree on. You are apparently less cynical about it than I am.
I am a half-full kind of guy ;)


The real solution, (the only solution) is more proper jobs; 2 and a half million of them.
At any given time, there are as many jobs as the economy can support. If you want more real jobs (as in, in the private sector, generating actual added value and 'fresh' tax income, rather than public/public-sponsored and just recirculating old tax income), there needs to be a bigger/faster/stronger economy. The Gvt can (and indeed must, it's its mandate) promote that, to an extent. But it cannot magic a bigger/faster/stronger economy overnight by decree (which is what nearly everybody seems to be waiting for, and criticising the Gvt for not doing). No Gvt ever could.
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Repeating the failure to teach them to read and write effectively isn't a solution. That's what I think the new scheme would amount to. And this is what we disagree on. You are apparently less cynical about it than I am.


I should have also asked, why are 26 year olds and above excluded then?

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I agree, but it's not quite clear what the government are going to do. Whether it's full apprenticeships that are going to be available or just a quick fix scheme to get them off the dole and out of the unemployment figures. After all the election isn't that far away.

My son's just started on an apprenticeship and he's 25, he's had to pay for it because he's out of the 18-24 age range, and he's been told he may not have a guaranteed place next year (but we're keeping our fingers crossed). It's a 3 year city & guilds course & geared more towards the youngsters who don't have top grade gcse's apparently that's where the funding is. He was very lucky to get on it (his grades are all a-c) & I know a lot of kids are turned down or can't get funding.


I should add he's on a full time apprenticeship which he's paying for by barwork (which again was hard to get) not easy.

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I am a half-full kind of guy ;)


At any given time, there are as many jobs as the economy can support. If you want more real jobs (as in, in the private sector, generating actual added value and 'fresh' tax income, rather than public/public-sponsored and just recirculating old tax income), there needs to be a bigger/faster/stronger economy. The Gvt can (and indeed must, it's its mandate) promote that, to an extent. But it cannot magic a bigger/faster/stronger economy overnight by decree (which what nearly everybody appears to be waiting for, and criticising the Gvt for not doing). No Gvt ever could.

We are on about young people here not the economy, there must be loads of companies that could with a bit of financial help from the Government give some young person a job start with some sort of training or somthing.

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We are on about young people here not the economy, there must be loads of companies that could with a bit of financial help from the Government give some young person a job start with some sort of training or somthing.


I'm not sure how you can separate government spending from the economy...?

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We are on about young people here not the economy,
You can't dissociate one from the other in the debate.


If the economy is tanking or dead-cat-bouncing, jobs are shed and few and far between. The best-skilled are kept on/get the going jobs. The best-skilled are rarely the new "green" young ones.


That's a fact of working life, can't be gotten around.

there must be loads of companies that could with a bit of financial help from the Government give some young person a job start with some sort of training or somthing.
If the company cannot sustain the apprenticeship and ensuing job out of its bottom line/investment strategy, then that is not going "growing the economy". It's time-limited life support. Which companies then exploit, by taking on Gvt-sponsored trainees/apprentices as a cheap way of getting labour, and dumping them when the funding criteria ends (training term/age/etc.), then taking on a new one, eventually dumping him/her, rinse-repeat.
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I'm not sure how you can separate government spending from the economy...?

What I mean is Camerones initiative in not about the economy its about the under 25s getting off the dole,when there are no or very few jobs or training for them to do,I do a bit of HGV driving sometimes I go delivering to a lot of firms around the country and you never see any young people about.steel works and engineering companies used to set hundreds of apprentices on at one time.

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