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Cameron, No dole for under 25's

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Why then do we have 1.5m jobs advertised in the EU for work in Britain & only 500k advertised in the UK, with subsidies for people from europe who want to apply. Why aren't all the jobs available in the UK advertised in the UK?


Do you have a link?

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I think the way I look at it is they should be set on for the full duration of the apprenticeship.college and day release should be in with the course and funding stopped if they don't attend,the employer should get funding and maybe have to pay half of the wages and the government the rest,a set stringent training course should be adhered to by the employer,and not just used as cheap labour and no one removed to be replaced by the trainee,these trainees should work along side the fully skilled and learn something.. it would need a lot of work and funding to see it done but that is a better bet than a person going into life with nothing and no skills costing the country a life of dole money..

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I think the way I look at it is they should be set on for the full duration of the apprenticeship.college and day release should be in with the course and funding stopped if they don't attend,the employer should get funding and maybe have to pay half of the wages and the government the rest,a set stringent training course should be adhered to by the employer,and not just used as cheap labour and no one removed to be replaced by the trainee,these trainees should work along side the fully skilled and learn something.. it would need a lot of work and funding to see it done but that is a better bet than a person going into life with nothing and no skills costing the country a life of dole money..


What happens after the apprenticeship?

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The trouble is there aren't enough employers willing to take on apprentices, a good few simply can't afford to pay them, that's why a lot of the kids are taking on full time apprenticeship courses themselves in the hope that they find employment afterwards. A costly exercise for them I know.


Sorry earlier link: https://ec.europa.eu/eures/main.jsp?...ewDistrib=true

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Why then do we have 1.5m jobs advertised in the EU for work in Britain & only 500k advertised in the UK, with subsidies for people from europe who want to apply. Why aren't all the jobs available in the UK advertised in the UK?




I've just done a search on there for all jobs in the UK and it says there are 530,000 or thereabouts.....how did you get 1.5 million.. what did I do differently to you?

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I've just done a search on there for all jobs in the UK and it says there are 530,000 or thereabouts.....how did you get 1.5 million.. what did I do differently to you?


My apologies if I'm reading it wrong truman, the figure Im getting on the site above is

1628695, (the site says number of job vacancies per country today, that figure is for GB) where did you get the 530,000 from?


---------- Post added 08-10-2013 at 14:41 ----------


Got it, sorry Im reading it wrong, I just got the p.s. bit, job vacancy can contain more than 1 post, my apologies.

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What happens after the apprenticeship?


Well it used to be they replaced the retired in at the bottom out at the top, if they are trained they can then do the job for the employer who they would make money for,even if they did not retain them after completion the training would give them a lot better chance of getting a decent job..

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I am a half-full kind of guy ;)


At any given time, there are as many jobs as the economy can support. If you want more real jobs (as in, in the private sector, generating actual added value and 'fresh' tax income, rather than public/public-sponsored and just recirculating old tax income), there needs to be a bigger/faster/stronger economy. The Gvt can (and indeed must, it's its mandate) promote that, to an extent. But it cannot magic a bigger/faster/stronger economy overnight by decree (which is what nearly everybody seems to be waiting for, and criticising the Gvt for not doing). No Gvt ever could.


I agree.


So they should stop harrassing the unemployed and cutting their benefits. It's not their fault. And life's tough enough as it is.

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