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Cameron, No dole for under 25's

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wow you stopped your kids from taking something they were entitled to. no wonder you think some people arnt entitled to benefits. cameron would have been proud of you :hihi:


this is the crux of the problem. the entitlement mentality of the lower rungs of society. you have no god given right to be taken care of by the rest of society. we choose to do so, but you do not have the right to demand it.

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Have you read the full text of his speech?


Clearly not, this is a Daily Fail reader afterall.


Here are some excerps from the speech as quoted by the Mail


'Just choose the dole? We’ve got to offer them something better than that.'


'We don’t patronise people, put a benefit cheque in their hand and pat them on the head.'


'We look people in the eye as equals and say: yes, you’ve been down – but you’re not out, you can do it, you have it in you, we will give you that chance.'

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i think we are all missing the bigger picture? lets just suppose we take away the "overcrowding" shall we say!! of this country there would be plenty of jobs to go round:roll: its not rocket science is it, unfettered immigration to a fairly small island and bingo! what have you got ??

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Have you read the full text of his speech?


Mr Cameron said young people should be given a clear choice between going to school or college, doing an apprenticeship or getting a job.


Speaking in Manchester he said: 'Today it is still possible to leave school, sign on, find a flat, start claiming housing benefit and opt for a life on benefits. It’s time for bold action

'We should ask, as we write our next manifesto, if that option should really exist at all.

'Just choose the dole? We’ve got to offer them something better than that.'


He conceded that the controversial idea of limiting housing benefit and jobseekers allowance to the over-25s will be seized on by opponents as 'callous'.


'Just choose the dole? We’ve got to offer them something better than that.'

David Cameron

But he said: 'Think about it: with your children, would you dream of just leaving them to their own devices, not getting a job, not training, nothing?

'No - you’d nag and push and guide and do anything to get them on their way… and so must we.

'So this is what we want to see: everyone under 25 - earning or learning.

'And you know – on this, as on everything else, Labour will fight us but remember: we are giving people real opportunities.'



Why would he reiterate he wants everyone under 25 earning or learning when that is exactly what they are doing right NOW, in addition to signing on.


So now he wants them ONLY earning and learning.


That's his bold action.

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this is the crux of the problem. the entitlement mentality of the lower rungs of society. you have no god given right to be taken care of by the rest of society. we choose to do so, but you do not have the right to demand it.
quite right too but in the past this was the norm you came out of work and received benefits. now it seems you have to bend over backwards just to be able to receive benefits. god them unemployed people have a lot to answer for :roll:
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Mr Cameron said young people should be given a clear choice between going to school or college, doing an apprenticeship or getting a job.


Speaking in Manchester he said: 'Today it is still possible to leave school, sign on, find a flat, start claiming housing benefit and opt for a life on benefits. It’s time for bold action

'We should ask, as we write our next manifesto, if that option should really exist at all.

'Just choose the dole? We’ve got to offer them something better than that.'


He conceded that the controversial idea of limiting housing benefit and jobseekers allowance to the over-25s will be seized on by opponents as 'callous'.


'Just choose the dole? We’ve got to offer them something better than that.'

David Cameron

But he said: 'Think about it: with your children, would you dream of just leaving them to their own devices, not getting a job, not training, nothing?

'No - you’d nag and push and guide and do anything to get them on their way… and so must we.

'So this is what we want to see: everyone under 25 - earning or learning.

'And you know – on this, as on everything else, Labour will fight us but remember: we are giving people real opportunities.'



Why would he reiterate he wants everyone under 25 earning or learning when that is exactly what they are doing right NOW, in addition to signing on.


So now he wants them ONLY earning and learning.


That's his bold action.


Don't you want to see the U25's either earning or learning? Would you prefer they were on the dole?

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i think we are all missing the bigger picture? lets just suppose we take away the "overcrowding" shall we say!! of this country there would be plenty of jobs to go round:roll: its not rocket science is it, unfettered immigration to a fairly small island and bingo! what have you got ??
divide and conquer between the people while the well off just carry on regardless :suspect:
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