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Cameron, No dole for under 25's

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But I wholeheartedly agree with this, if the under 25 are not in full time education then benefit should not be payed to them. A scheme of community employment could be arranged and benefit paid that way ... no work, no money!


Why should the under 25s be singled out this way?


Why should someone who started work at 16 and was made redundant at 24, after paying 8 years NI and tax, not be eligible for help?

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zero contract hours /agency work/a4e/workfare yeh well done cameron :hihi::hihi::hihi: this will get us to be a world leader again :roll:


As opposed to Ed Balls plan?


"under the jobs guarantee, government will ensure there is a job for every adult who is long-term unemployed and people out of work will be obliged to take up those jobs or face losing benefits."

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Does learning somehow provide them with food and shelter?


But that doesn't seem to be the 'plan', it seems to be if you've not got a job and you are under 25 you attend some courses to improve your skills and receive money from the government to do so.

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i think we are all missing the bigger picture? lets just suppose we take away the "overcrowding" shall we say!! of this country there would be plenty of jobs to go round:roll: its not rocket science is it, unfettered immigration to a fairly small island and bingo! what have you got ??


Reducing the population would likewise reduce the amount of work available. People generate work, whether that be serving them at a till, fixing their car, or being hired by them to make widgets, jobs don't exist in some sort of vacuum, a finite resource unconnected to the population.

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