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Cameron, No dole for under 25's

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They way round that is to prosecute parents that put their kids out on the street, or put the parents out on the street and let the kids live in their house.


What happens if you don't have parents, or your parents have split up and they've remarried?




You are a graduate who has a £30,000 debt already hanging over your head?


Where are you going to live?

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It's just been announced on the Radio 4, 4pm news, that there will no longer be an automatic right to housing benefit and JSA for the under 25s.


I suggest you all go on radio iplayer or listen to the 5pm headlines on Radio 4.


Political party conferences have no power to create laws. Any change will need to have the approval of parliament, so this radio 4 news report is wrong or you misunderstood what was said.

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It's just been announced on the Radio 4, 4pm news, that there will no longer be an automatic right to housing benefit and JSA for the under 25s.


I suggest you all go on radio iplayer or listen to the 5pm headlines on Radio 4.

this will please some on here :roll:
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I suppose there's an easy solution.. make benefits somehow related to contributions..?


---------- Post added 02-10-2013 at 15:30 ----------



When my son worked for an agency his rate of pay was greater than that of the permanent workers, this was done to make up for the fact that his holidays weren't paid.. he had to take all his days off though..in effect he was paid the same as the permies..it was in I.T if that makes a difference..


Your son is lucky then, I've worked for a few agency's and always been paid less than the permanent workers.

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What happens if you don't have parents, or your parents have split up and they've remarried?




You are a graduate who has a £30,000 debt already hanging over your head?


Where are you going to live?


Why would remarried parents disown their child?

If they had no parents where did they live before?

What does being graduate have to do with it?

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Any suggestion of any benefit cuts and the left start frothing at the mouth. Why don't they suggest a way to pay for all the benefits. And not just "tax the rich till it hurts".


Because they don't have an answer other than getting more out of the rich - generally they mention bankers bonuses and tax avoidance. The former wouldn't be a drop in the ocean, and the latter has been tried since taxes first began, and rules constantly change to try and stop it. They never will. Since I can't choose how my income tax is spent, I would avoid some of it if I knew how.

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Why would remarried parents disown their child?

If they had no parents where did they live before?

What does being graduate have to do with it?


It's called the step-family syndrome, the other half may not have the space for the under 25s. Who re-marries expecting a 18 - 25 offspring of the partner to live with them?


What makes you think it would be one child only?


They could have been at University for three years.


A graduate already in debt with no job, no home, and not being able to get JSA or housing benefit while looking for work. Great start to life!

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