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Cameron, No dole for under 25's

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It's called the step-family syndrome, the other half may not have the space for the under 25s. Who re-marries expecting a 18 - 25 offspring of the partner to live with them?


What makes you think it would be one child only?


They could have been at University for three years.


A graduate already in debt with no job, no home, and not being able to get JSA or housing benefit while looking for work. Great start to life!


Still not getting why any of that would happen when the parents know it would be their responsibility to look after their own offspring.

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Why do so many people continue to read the Daily Mail, it's complete crap.


It completely besmirched Ralph Milliband at the weekend, it constantly makes storys up or mis-represents the facts.

I wouldn't wipe my bottom with that paper.


It's not just the Daily Mail and it's not made up. It's on news on TV & radio and the rest of the media.



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This is what it says.


Young people under 25 could lose their state benefits if they are not in work, education or training in the next round of Conservative welfare reforms, David Cameron revealed today.


So the only one's that will loose their benefits are the one's that won't work, and won't enter education or training. Its not unreasonable to want something in return for benefits.

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Still not getting why any of that would happen when the parents know it would be their responsibility to look after their own offspring.


But the family they marry into may not want more adults living with them.

Who is to say that either parents have the money or space to keep their 18 - 25 year olds.

What makes you think that parents can afford to look after their off spring?


Why should parents look after adults who have paid tax and worked from 16 - 24?


Why shouldn't they claim benefits if they've paid into the system?

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This is what it says.


Young people under 25 could lose their state benefits if they are not in work, education or training in the next round of Conservative welfare reforms, David Cameron revealed today.


So the only one's that will loose their benefits are the one's that won't work, and won't enter education or training. Its not unreasonable to want something in return for benefits.


So what is NEW? That is the situation NOW.

If you refuse to go on a training course or attend an interview you get NOWT.


What's NEW? This is just rabble rousing to the Tory Faithful.

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But the family they marry into may not want more adults living with them.

Who is to say that either parents have the money or space to keep their 18 - 25 year olds.

What makes you think that parents can afford to look after their off spring?


Why should parents look after adults who have paid tax and worked from 16 - 24?


Why shouldn't they claim benefits if they've paid into the system?


All problems for the parents, nothing at all to do with everyone else.

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So what is NEW? That is the situation NOW.

If you refuse to go on a training course or attend an interview you get NOWT.


What's NEW? This is just rabble rousing to the Tory Faithful.


I have no idea whats new, you posted the link and it is you that is stressing about it.

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But the family they marry into may not want more adults living with them.

Who is to say that either parents have the money or space to keep their 18 - 25 year olds.

What makes you think that parents can afford to look after their off spring?


Why should parents look after adults who have paid tax and worked from 16 - 24?

How is it the state's responsibility more than the parents?

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