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If you could afford it would you buy Royal Mail shares?

If you could afford it would you buy Royal Mail shares?  

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  1. 1. If you could afford it would you buy Royal Mail shares?

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I've heard different.


The workers can't sell their free shares for 3 years - and when they do they pay a penalty.

They have to wait 5 years to be able to sell without penalty.


i think it's to do with tax liabilities - in most cases you can sell them after the minimum lock in period (usually three years), but you pay income tax on the proceeds


if you sell them after five years you can sell them tax free (subject to any potential capital gains tax liability depending on how much they are worth at the time)

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Meanwhile they get a regular dividend? I've heard 6% mentioned which is a big return, more than you could make on any savings account.


Probably that 6% is reduced now since the share price is so much higher than anticipated, but still it's free money.


The anticipated dividend is in the region of 6% of the IPO price.

Although there's no guarantee of any dividend. For private investors who haven't bought any additional shares that will be about £50 a year.

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Monies to be refunded after a week or so isn't it?


I read in the news the government were sitting on a boat load of cash from the IPO that is to be returned.


It is but look at it this way - that money was earning little or no interest for individual users. But collectively its made a bit of profit for the government that can hopefully (but I doubt) be used for some good.


There was a great line in today's Metro from a "small investor":


I've got bills to pay. That money should be sitting in my account, not the government's.


Erm, hang on, you willing gave all that money for shares. Would you be complaining if you'd got all your allocation? If you have bills to pay, were you going to pay them in shares?


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 09:09 ----------


Although there's no guarantee of any dividend. For private investors who haven't bought any additional shares that will be about £50 a year.


The Metro says that there's a dividend of £133 million which will be paid out next Summer. Is that the one that will work out at £50?

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I guess so. I also guess that the dividend isn't guaranteed.


I suppose they had to take the amount of cash for which you'd applied, otherwise they couldn't know you were good for it. It would be nice if they returned it in a timely manner though, they certainly took it fast enough (within 2 days).

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I wouldn't buy them on principle.


That there was such demand indicates RM was offloaded at significantly LESS than it's true value.


I'm not gonna lower myself to this vulture mentality (that I claim to hold in such contempt) which is the cause of so much of the world's financial problems.


Besides, I'm rich enough already.

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