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Where's the bloody panda baby then?

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I was stopped in the street a week or so ago by a nice young lady collecting for WWF ... apparently, it wasn't for my rugged good looks, but rather to tell me what they get up to (as the WWF).


I was surprised when she told me that it costs £250.000 each per year to feed the Scottish pandas. Apparently, they're fussy about what kind of bamboo they eat, eschewing European stuff for Chinese! This has to be flown over specially, at massive cost.


If they're that picky about their greens, it's hardly surprising that the're not going to procreate whilst the world press has their cameras aimed directly into their bedroom. Maybe some bamboo blinds might not go amiss ... or a bamboo curtain?

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I was surprised when she told me that it costs £250.000 each per year to feed the Scottish pandas. Apparently, they're fussy about what kind of bamboo they eat, eschewing European stuff for Chinese! This has to be flown over specially, at massive cost.
So, what's the carbon footprint of a Scottish Panda? :confused:
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So, what's the carbon footprint of a Scottish Panda? :confused:

I think you know what I'm talking about L00b, I'm referring to the original post ... the pandas at Edinborough Zoo. Namely, Tian Tian and Yang Guang. They're not native of these shores you know. :rolleyes:


Scottish pandas (per se) became extinct in around 120 AD, after Hadrian found that coating them in burning pitch and chucking them at the Barbarians in slingshots known as trebuchets, was a pretty neat way of keeping the aforementioned Barbarians well south of his ornamental garden wall. :)

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