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Islamic school in Derby closed after OFSTED inspection.

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Proof that all of them aren't? No, of course not. But I have never met or heard about anyone that is.


The chancellor George Osbornes brother is a Muslim convert, he is well educated and a doctor!

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What you seem to be missing is the only people condoning it are the people who are into it, who are few in number.


The only people condoning it are the people who are into it? Who are they then, Muslims? What is it they're in to? Islam you mean? Aren't most Muslims into Islam?

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Catholic schools are mostly good schools though. The best secondary school here in Chesterfield is St Marys, a Catholic school. What purpose would closing it serve?


My sister worked at a Catholic school in Rotherham,in the seventies, the Head was an alcoholic, the deputy had a queue of little boys lining up at his door for a good caning every lunchtime. The senior female teacher would regularly throw a bout of hysteria.


The record of the Roman catholic church in having anything to do with kids is very questionable, I agree with our friend above keep religion out of education.


There should be no religious schools.

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I don't like Islam, but neither do many other people. I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate it. I also don't like Judaism or Christianity, surprise, surprise :D


As a pagan, I'm an equal opportunities Abrahamic religion disliker, I dislike them all equally. :D


btw, nice to see you reconsidered withdrawing from the jousts, and are back defending your corner, mafya. :thumbsup:


My Bold=

I was getting withdrawal symptoms! :hihi:

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The only people condoning it are the people who are into it? Who are they then, Muslims? What is it they're in to? Islam you mean? Aren't most Muslims into Islam?
Hey, hey, steady on SevenRivers! You'll make boyfriday have to think about some of the contradictory stuff he churns out and then his head might explode with the effort. Could be nasty!
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the Sun newspaper mentioned that the school principal is a man named Stuart Wilson, it doesn't sound like he is a Muslim so why no mention on this thread that it is a non Muslim in charge of the school?

This is in today's Sun newspaper as well as the story of the 19yr old neo nazi who was planning a columbine style massacre and had stockpiled guns, bombs and a crossbow and had a hit list of 19 students and teachers in a swastika filled book ranting about the Islamic invasion of Europe yet no one starts a thread about the neo nazi.

Is it because this neo nazi isn't a Muslim so not deemed worthy of a ranting thread on SF? :rolleyes:




Thats a desperate bit of riddling, and it said interim principal Stuart Wilson.


This is who he was standing in for.


Muslim school banned pupils from singing and reading fairy tales as hardliners took control and ousted headmaster and deputy


Andrew Cutts-McKay, former head of al-Madinah School in Derby and former deputy Suzanne Southerland claim they were 'sidelined' by the school


Staff also claimed religious hardliners banned children from singing or reading fairy tales

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Hey, hey, steady on SevenRivers! You'll make boyfriday have to think about some of the contradictory stuff he churns out and then his head might explode with the effort. Could be nasty!


Sigh, what happened to poor natjack. Incapable of forming his own piece of compelling diatribe, now has to piggyback onto the contributions of others. RIP :(

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The only people condoning it are the people who are into it? Who are they then, Muslims?
Yep them Muslims, those who want that kind of education for their children. Please note: The vast majority of Muslim children are educated in mainstream schools.

What is it they're in to? Islam you mean? Aren't most Muslims into Islam?

Yes I guess they are, but most Muslims aren't into the kind of regime that was being enacted in this particular school. Please do try to keep up SevenRivers.
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