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Utterly disgusting yet again

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Baby P's mother, and I use the word mother loosely, up for possible early release/parole and being issued with a new identity at a cost to the taxpayers!


Worried about her own safety although she never gave a toss about her child's safety!

Who agrees she should be protected on her release or like me think she should take her chances as it's her own fault she is hated and detested, why should we pay to keep her safe!


Although I personally think she shouldn't even be released after 3 or 4 years only, not a high price to pay for the loss of a child's life is it

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Oh and apparently the humble taxpayer is also going to pay for her to drastically change her appearance too so she isn't recognised.......they should have bloody tattooed child killer on her forehead so she's reminded every time she looks in a mirror and everyone will always know what filth she is, her son hasn't got a life so she shouldn't have one either

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why early parole ? its all gone tits up now in this country . one in the news now about a woman who kept her dead 3/4 year old child in the house for years. social services called but she wouldnt let them in:huh: and you know social services will say " mistakes have been made and we will learn from this " :loopy:

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Of course she should be entitled to protection if there is a threat against her. If you lose the right to be safe because you have not kept someone else safe, it somewhat undermines the whole argument against her.


Sorry I don't agree, she didn't just fail to keep him safe, she actively took part in his torture and neglect, she deserves more than she's already had to 'suffer'

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That's a very different story to which I read online earlier , good old daily mail


---------- Post added 02-10-2013 at 22:35 ----------


I hope that she isn't the target of violence on her release.


Why? Although I don't condone violence of any sort, just don't see why people that haven't broken the law end up paying to protect those that have, especially when the crime is so disgusting

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