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SYPTE leaflets - free citywide ticket

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You`ve not thought that post through very well have you?


You can pay VED for your car and leave it sat on the drive & you can buy a 12 pack of beer and not drink it. :shakes:


It is indeed a road tax (officacially termed Vehicle Excise Duty), although very little of the money generated is used for road upkeep.


As for your idea of transferable portable proof, that idea is like fixing something that is not broken. If all traffic wardens carried a hand held device with ANPR technology there would be no need to display a disc. In fact I may just write in to the Gov and suggest it to so we can get all the uninsured, untaxed and untested cars off the road.


Many people are unable to use their cars if banned,ill,in prison,on medication,injured etc.However none of these circumstances except medicationn and HMP would mean you could not drink the beer.


PS I do not sit and agonise over postings but prefer to be spontaneous.What type of poster are you-deliberate and meticulous,with just a hint of conservatism?


---------- Post added 05-10-2013 at 15:55 ----------


You know why people find the pedantic tiresome. Because they get fed up of being wrong.


I am pedantic, it's a desirable trait in a software developer because computers are much more pedantic than any human can ever be.

Another way of describing pedantry though is "pays attention to detail".


..but loses sight of the bigger picture,and thus lacks perspective.

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