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Are all workplaces so dysfunctional?

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Maybe I'm just imagining it but it seems that no one is happy at their work; and it also seems that everyone has basically the same gripes - not enough staff, managers/supervisors not being able to do a rota for toffee, managers and supervisors being generally amateurish and not getting their jobs on merit but by brown nosing, etc etc.

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Maybe I'm just imagining it but it seems that no one is happy at their work; and it also seems that everyone has basically the same gripes - not enough staff, managers/supervisors not being able to do a rota for toffee, managers and supervisors being generally amateurish and not getting their jobs on merit but by brown nosing, etc etc.



...and being sick, again.


Totally dysfunctional I'd say.

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It's a capitalist's dream.

Get rid of staff (recent Tory legislation now easily allows this), reduce the wages of those left behind, who are also expected to do the work of those that have gone.


Why on earth would that be a capitalists dream?

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Why on earth would that be a capitalists dream?


Because it makes for more profits for the bosses at the expense of the workforce.


---------- Post added 03-10-2013 at 18:01 ----------


... making it impossible for people to do their job properly, tell everyone the public sector's not working, outsource to different private companies, total chaos ensues :(


Good post.

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Maybe I'm just imagining it but it seems that no one is happy at their work; and it also seems that everyone has basically the same gripes - not enough staff, managers/supervisors not being able to do a rota for toffee, managers and supervisors being generally amateurish and not getting their jobs on merit but by brown nosing, etc etc.


All work places are like that, freak shows :hihi:

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How does it make more profit if the workforce are unable to do their jobs so well?


Many customers are only interested in the bottom line, the price. Typical examples are cheap airlines where customers put up with cattle market service because it's cheap. Their profits soar.

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