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Are all workplaces so dysfunctional?

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... making it impossible for people to do their job properly, tell everyone the public sector's not working, outsource to different private companies, total chaos ensues :(


So why do the public sector bring in outside consultants to do some jobs they are paid to do?

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Workplaces are only as disfunctional as society in which they operate. In the UK that means watching your own back whilst jumping on the heads of others. It's about passing blame onto others when things go wrong and taking credit for other peoples' hard work if something goes right. It's about exploiting others without being exploited yourself. Welcome to Utopia

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Figure it out.


Translation: "I'm going to look stupid so I'll come back with a response of the same calibre as 'Jog on' "


As your logic makes no sense that's tricky. Perhaps you could enlighten us?


---------- Post added 04-10-2013 at 15:01 ----------


Because it makes for more profits for the bosses at the expense of the workforce


Except that it doesn't. If you get rid of your most valuable asset and annoy the remainder you will get less profit.

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Maybe I'm just imagining it but it seems that no one is happy at their work; and it also seems that everyone has basically the same gripes - not enough staff, managers/supervisors not being able to do a rota for toffee, managers and supervisors being generally amateurish and not getting their jobs on merit but by brown nosing, etc etc.
These are not symptoms of dysfunctionality, just an extraordinarily-broad brushed stereotype of any public/private working environment, with a good dose of job envy laddled on top.
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Maybe I'm just imagining it but it seems that no one is happy at their work; and it also seems that everyone has basically the same gripes - not enough staff, managers/supervisors not being able to do a rota for toffee, managers and supervisors being generally amateurish and not getting their jobs on merit but by brown nosing, etc etc.


Get turned down for the boss's job again? :D

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