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How many days am i allowed to stay at my partner house

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Perhaps if you could prove that you were only staying at your partners house for the sex and not for the benefits of four walls and a roof they'd be more sympathetic.

Well wouldn't it be easier for the Council to prove that most working class Council estate girls, with different kids to many dads, are NOT out for sex? :hihi:

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What if the OP and their partner have only been together a short time, they won't want to give up either of their houses until they have been together a good while and know the relationship will work, and I don't blame them. I also don't blame them for wanting to spend evenings and nights together at each others houses. If both are on benefits they wont be going out an awful lot so their homes are where they will spend time together. Would this question still need to be asked if it was just 2 friends who spent time at each others houses?


edit to say sorry I dont know the answer but understand your frustration.

They're entitled to spend as many evenings together as they wish. Just so long as they don't effectively end up living at one house and keeping the other 'just in case' the relationship doesn't work.

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I checked this out a while back because of my own situation and at that time the ruling was that your boyfriend/girlfriend was allowed to stay overnight for what would be considered a weekend (3 nights). Any more than that was considered to be co-habitation and if they kept clothes and other personal possessions at your residence that was also then considered to be co-habitation.

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