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2 muslim pupils barred from main school

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I sincerely hope you're trolling here and not seriously ignorant to know that its a term for moustache?



Muzzies is a term used when describing Muslims by some, I didn't realise you meant it as moustache so not really ignorance on my part but on yours maybe.

Go on the far right websites and EDL Facebook site and you will see the term muzzies being used openly.



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I thought the Army in particular had pretty strict rules about what hairdos are and aren't allowed? 'taches are OK, beards aren't? Maybe it's changed. Maybe it was never an actual rule, but more of an unwritten code related to class? Officers and their floppy hair, everyone else with a crew-cut!

When I was in the army the only person in the regiment who was allowed to wear a beard was the Pioneer Sergeant which was an old tradition.

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  • 1 month later...

I would have posted this in the Will Self hijaab thread but it's locked, so next best thing and similar topic anyway. Interesting e mail I got forwarded today, and the link contains a lot of further reading. Thought provoking article on the psychological damage caused to little girls by the cultural habits of veiling.


Fitnah's November issue of Unveiled (Volume 1, Issue 2) has now been published and can be found here: fitnah-UNVEILED-nov13.


Content includes:


The veil is nothing but the flag of the Muslim far-right, An interview with Algerian sociologist Marieme Helie Lucas. In this must-read interview, Marieme Helie Lucas says:


"If we do agree that this sudden rise of specific veils worldwide passing off as THE ‘Islamic’ veil is neither cultural nor religious but a political flag that fundamentalists use in order to increase their political visibility at the expense of women, then we must also admit that wearing this form of veil - now - in Europe and North America has a political purpose; the women who wear it, whether they are aware of it or not, are wearing the flag of a far-right political party. Hence I could hardly agree with the formulation: ‘a woman choosing how to dress.’ This veil is definitely not to be equated to wearing high heels versus flat shoes, or miniskirts versus trousers. It is not a fashion; it is a political marker. If one decides one is going to wear a swastika as a brooch, one cannot ignore its political meaning; one cannot pretend one does not care for the fact that it was the ’flag’ of Nazi Germany. One cannot pretend one just likes its shape. It is a political statement."


Neither Veil nor Submission, Editorial by Maryam Namazie on the niqab ban. In it, she writes:


"The niqab and burqa in particular are the visible signs of Islamism’s war on women and the society at large. It also represents sex apartheid and Sharia law and all that follows. In Madani School, burqa-wearing girls must sit in the back of the classroom. On school trips, they must give way to boys and male teachers who cut in front of them in queues. Music is banned... The call for a ban has nothing to do with a clash of civilisations. It has everything to do with a global struggle between secularists, including many Muslims, on the one hand and theocrats and the religious-Right on the other."


Newsflash provides updates on women's rights and issues in a number of countries worldwide.


In the Art Corner, one can find information on an Afghan rap singer and censored packaging in Iran.


Recent highlighted campaigns, include End Stoning Now and End Legalised Paedophilia in Iran...


Full issue can be found here: fitnah-UNVEILED-nov13.

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(from the other thread)

Well not everyone is a gulible as you are.




The use of Sharia, or Islamic religious law, is growing in Britain, with thousands of Muslims using it to settle disputes each year, but women's groups and some others are objecting.


Almost as frightening as the Beth Din (NOT!)


(from the other thread)[/b] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2020382/You-entering-Sharia-law-Britain-As-Islamic-extremists-declare-Sharia-law-zone-London-suburb-worrying-social-moral-implications.html


As a throng of Muslim families crowd around him, Abu Izzadeen speaks in a quiet voice of his plans for the future of Britain. The tall, bearded 36-year-old — who was recently freed from prison after serving a term for funding terrorism — is telling, in chilling detail, how he wants to impose Islam’s strict Sharia law on this country.


At a shopping mall in Waltham Forest, North London, Muslim passers-by listen intently. Some shout greetings in Arabic from across the street.


Fathers push forward their young sons (wearing skull caps for prayers at the local mosque) so they can get a good view of the man who is plainly viewed by many as a hero.


The Daily Heil, that bastion of truth and decent, non-sensationalist reportage!


(from the other thread)[/b]




Four out of 10 British Muslims want sharia law introduced into parts of the country, a survey reveals today.


The ICM opinion poll also indicates that a fifth have sympathy with the "feelings and motives" of the suicide bombers who attacked London


let me correct that quote from the Torygraph, for you:-


"40% of THOSE POLLED by the Torygraph said..."


(from the other thread)[/b]

http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2012/November/Islamic-Sharia-Law- Smilies



LONDON -- Stoning for adultery. Amputations for theft. Death for apostates. And second-class status for Christians and Jews. This is life under Sharia law, the Islamic system practiced in countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Great Britain.


Yes, Great Britain.


There are reportedly some 85 Sharia courts now operating there, with Islamic judges ruling on cases ranging from financial to marital disputes among British Muslims.


"We went into some proceedings and there were a couple of Islamic judges sitting up above the rest," said Alan Craig, who recently stepped down as leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance party. "And there was one Muslim woman who was suing for divorce."


Craig is a former city councilor in East London, home to several Sharia courts where women face open discrimination.


"A woman's witness value is half that of a man," Craig told CBN News. "So [the courts] will tend, therefore, to take the man's position in a divorce."


Craig is working with Baroness Caroline Cox to pass a bill in Britain's House of Lords protecting women from this Sharia oppression.


Muslim women in Great Britain often face intimidation within their communities to settle things the Sharia way. According to Craig, some wrongly believe Islamic courts are their only option.


"What we're trying to do is say, Muslim women, especially in this country, need to be informed," he explained. "They actually have other rights and our view, better rights, under English law."


Sharia courts operate outside of British common law. Their defenders say the courts are legal under a 1996 Arbitration Act that allows people to settle differences through methods of their own choosing.


Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets


The courts have popped up in several British cities with large Muslim populations, including Birmingham, Bradford, Manchester, and London.


The Tower Hamlets section of East London is arguably the epicenter of the Sharia movement in Great Britain.


The impoverished borough has been dubbed "The Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets."


Its first elected mayor is a Muslim who critics say has ties to extremist groups. His office declined CBN News's request for an interview.


Radical Muslims have threatened women there for not covering up, and gays have been beaten in the streets.


"If people are afraid of having their hands cut, don't steal," UK Islamist leader Anjem Choduary said. "If you don't want to be stoned to death, don't commit adultery."


Choudary wants Sharia law to rule Great Britain.


Last year, his followers put up posters around Tower Hamlets labeling it a "Sharia-Controlled Zone" where "Islamic rules are enforced."


"We're sitting in a beautiful park here in East London," CBN News' Erick Stakelbeck observed during an interview with Choudary. "How would this park look different if Sharia came to the UK and your vision came to the UK?"


"Certainly, the adult women, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, would have to cover themselves, as indeed would the men," he responded.


Craig fears the growth of Sharia law in areas like East London could lead to Muslim enclaves isolated from mainstream British society.


Perhaps, yes, but only in the imaginations of the froth-ers, and nay-say-rs!

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let me correct that quote from the Torygraph, for you:-


"40% of THOSE POLLED by the Torygraph said..."





....I'm neither agreeing nor disagreeing with your point of view but to be fair the poll was conducted by ICM...on behalf of the Telegraph but not by them.. :)

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....I'm neither agreeing nor disagreeing with your point of view but to be fair the poll was conducted by ICM...on behalf of the Telegraph but not by them.. :)


it's still that that is the result from the selection of people who were polled, not the entire population, let alone the entire Muslim population of the UK.

All you can say is that this is how many responded in that way.

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Who are the 'intolerant'? The 14 year olds or the school for being intolerant to their jaunty beards?


They've grown beards at 14 wish I could have, I doubt very much there will be much in school rules saying that pupils must not grow beards. I used to know a lad Percy and he had a full beard at 14, not bum fluff either.


I struggle to see what's wrong, people want a beard let them have one, i bet teachers aren't stopped. When I was at school most of the teachers looked like a bag of *** tied in the middle.

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