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2 muslim pupils barred from main school

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This is a sad case of two children being almost abused by their parents into rebelling against anything not born of islam. It seems confrontation is their default position. :(


What tosh. You know nothing whatsoever of the relationship these boys have with their parents or their faith.


Edit; just seen the link you provided, apologies.

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It's quite simple. If they don't want to abide by the school rules they should find another school which will allow them to keep their beards.Rules are put in place for a reason whether at school or work.


So all workers must not have beards, arm hair, the wrong colour hair, big boots and tattooos?

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What tosh. You know nothing whatsoever of the relationship these boys have with their parents or their faith.


Edit; just seen the link you provided, apologies.


Not a problem Halibut :)


---------- Post added 09-10-2013 at 18:10 ----------


Now that has always been one of my bug bears - apparently school dress code only applies to pupils.


I find this unfair and it sets a terrible example. At a school local to me they have a rigid dress code yet more than a handful of teacher dress shall we say flamboyantly? This seems to say 'do as i say not as i do' attitude which in itself could cause children to rebel. Not against the dress code as such, more about the unfairness of its application.

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I'd normally say that whatever the school uniform rules say, should stand. But when it comes to physical attributes, rather than clothing I think they're on dodgy ground. Shaving's a pretty personal matter isn't it, whichever way you look at it, especially if you're a young lad going through puberty.


It got me thinking about physical attributes in the work place - haircuts, facial hair - the army's pretty strict about this isn't it? What are their reasons and how did these rules come about?

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It's quite simple. If they don't want to abide by the school rules they should find another school which will allow them to keep their beards.Rules are put in place for a reason whether at school or work.


Hello,is that xxxxx school?Is it OK if my sons and daughter sport beards?



Rules are implemented for a reason.Can you suggest why beards are proscribed?


Does the above mean that no British citizen should seek to change the law but emigrate instead?It all sounds rather repressive.

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I'm undecided on this.


On one hand, the rules were in existence when they joined the school, so they should abide by the rules they signed up to or leave.


On the other hand, why should a school have such an arbitrary rule in the first place, especially when it discriminates against someone who "needs" to grow a beard on religious grounds.


But. Does the Muslim faith actually require the growing of beards, or is it just a personal choice?


What if the pupils were Sikh, which if I understand correctly does require them to not shave? Would the school be more tolerant.


Also, with reference to this rule not applying to girls: Some female Sikhs grow beards of sorts, because they also refuse to shave. Would the rule apply to them?


On balance, I think, the school caused this whole situation in the first place by deciding on such an arbitrary rule, for no real logical reason. In the whole scheme of things, what does it matter if someone has a beard? will the heavens cave in?


However, once the stupid rule is in place, the families did decide to send their child to such a school. If they wish to honour their religion and try to act in a "good" way, then they should move to another school. They don't HAVE to grow a beard, they CHOOSE to.


If their religion REQUIRED them to not shave, then I would side with the pupils. The school shouldn't discriminate.

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However, once the stupid rule is in place, the families did decide to send their child to such a school. If they wish to honour their religion and try to act in a "good" way, then they should move to another school. They don't HAVE to grow a beard, they CHOOSE to.



No one chooses to grow hair, it happens naturally. What happens if this schools was the most suitable for these boys. Its a faith school, specialist schools (a Sport and Academy school in that area) often do not cater for children with a faith ;)

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