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2 muslim pupils barred from main school

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Hey JB, you never came back to me



Oops. My apologies Boyfriday. Let me go back a re read what i need to then ill give you a full reply :)


---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 15:55 ----------


Do i feel that the children's parents behaviour represents near parental abuse?

Perhaps that was too strong but i fear they are harming them in sone way by teaching them such a selfish lesson. For the following reason. The muslim faith is being driven down their throats whether they like it or not. The parents know the dress code and yet choose to make an issue and instead of accepting its the school that makes the rules and they are free to move their children elsewhere they involve 'muslim leaders' and want to 'hold talks' with the school. Whilst i have no doubt all the time telling their children their faith is not only more important than the rules everyone else has to abider by but more important that anything full stop.

They are teaching their children to be victims, rabble rousers and trouble causes meaning they will simply not integrate into western society, a society their parents chose to live in but instead of fitting in whilst still keeping their culture alive they seem to want to chance other cultures to suit themselves. At the end of the day the school is in the right and these poor boys are being made fools of by their parents who seem to have an agenda.



Sorry once more Boyfriday for taking so long to respond and i hope this answers your question. sorry if it seems a little rushed in parts but i didnt want to keep you waiting any longer. If you need me to expand on any points ive made please feel free to say


Peace and love to you my friend :)

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Why are these children in a Roman Catholic school ?

They're a plant and only there to convert Catholics to Islam


---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 19:52 ----------


I was more surprised that two 14-year-olds had beards. :D

That's what comes of not eating pork scratching.:hihi:

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Oops. My apologies Boyfriday. Let me go back a re read what i need to then ill give you a full reply :)


---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 15:55 ----------


Do i feel that the children's parents behaviour represents near parental abuse?

Perhaps that was too strong but i fear they are harming them in sone way by teaching them such a selfish lesson. For the following reason. The muslim faith is being driven down their throats whether they like it or not. The parents know the dress code and yet choose to make an issue and instead of accepting its the school that makes the rules and they are free to move their children elsewhere they involve 'muslim leaders' and want to 'hold talks' with the school. Whilst i have no doubt all the time telling their children their faith is not only more important than the rules everyone else has to abider by but more important that anything full stop.

They are teaching their children to be victims, rabble rousers and trouble causes meaning they will simply not integrate into western society, a society their parents chose to live in but instead of fitting in whilst still keeping their culture alive they seem to want to chance other cultures to suit themselves. At the end of the day the school is in the right and these poor boys are being made fools of by their parents who seem to have an agenda.



Sorry once more Boyfriday for taking so long to respond and i hope this answers your question. sorry if it seems a little rushed in parts but i didnt want to keep you waiting any longer. If you need me to expand on any points ive made please feel free to say


Peace and love to you my friend :)



Thanks for taking the time to put together such a comprehensive reply.


I think Im mainly in agreement with you, despite the freedoms we all should enjoy as individuals if the rules on facial hair were in existence before the boys attended this school then I believe they should adhere to them.

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I'd normally say that whatever the school uniform rules say, should stand. But when it comes to physical attributes, rather than clothing I think they're on dodgy ground. Shaving's a pretty personal matter isn't it, whichever way you look at it, especially if you're a young lad going through puberty.


It got me thinking about physical attributes in the work place - haircuts, facial hair - the army's pretty strict about this isn't it? What are their reasons and how did these rules come about?

Long hair and beards can get caught up in machinery, a soldier with a beard won't get a good seal on a gas mask, a firefighter won't get a good seal on breathing apparatus, children fighting might pull each others beards, or it might set on fire when using a bunsen burner, a chef might accidentally dip in in your soup,:gag: so basically health and safety is the main reason.

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I find it strange that 2 devout muslim lads would want to go to a catholic school. .maybe I'm out of step :huh: oh well....


Its more common than you'd think, and really isn't a big deal. I think in schools children are more tolerant of each other. They don't look at each other and think religion first, just like a white student wouldn't look at another and think "catholic, protestant or jew or atheist etc etc".


However, the media would rather have you believe that they all go to strict Muslim schools which are secretly training camps or some other facility undermining the country.


The whole issue is centred around uniform and dress rules. It happens every single day - a kid tries it on with a shirt too tight, wrong kind of trousers, stupidly short skirt, dyed hair, hair covering the face.


Some of them make the news on a quiet day, unless they're not white then its suddenly a race argument and a big deal.


Personally I've no gripe with beards and muzzies - and neither do many other schools. I went to Beaver Hill School with kids from Darnall who sported some terrific facial hair by the age of 14!

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Long hair and beards can get caught up in machinery, a soldier with a beard won't get a good seal on a gas mask, a firefighter won't get a good seal on breathing apparatus, children fighting might pull each others beards, or it might set on fire when using a bunsen burner, a chef might accidentally dip in in your soup,:gag: so basically health and safety is the main reason.


Beards are not banned in our armed forces.


Children are not allowed to fight in schools :hihi:

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Standard tactics, old cleggy boy is eager to jump on any passing bandwagon


Hes fast becoming a joke politician with little or no credibility. If i were the parents i would distance myself from him asap as he will only harm their cause.


---------- Post added 11-10-2013 at 11:19 ----------


Thanks for taking the time to put together such a comprehensive reply.


I think Im mainly in agreement with you, despite the freedoms we all should enjoy as individuals if the rules on facial hair were in existence before the boys attended this school then I believe they should adhere to them.

You're welcome Boyfriday.


Yes i think you make a valid point, but id like to add to that if there were no specific rules about facial hair on the books as it were before all this happened (im not saying they don't already have the rule,im just offering another angle) i bet there were rules about general appearance. Tidy hair, clean uniforms, shiny shoes and so on and as we all know a young lads newly flourishing face fur is a sight to behold at the best of times and untidy to say the least. Perhaps this is how they fell foul of the rules. I wish to reiterate this is just a possibility. I have no idea what specific rules the school implements in its dress code.


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Its more common than you'd think, and really isn't a big deal. I think in schools children are more tolerant of each other. They don't look at each other and think religion first, just like a white student wouldn't look at another and think "catholic, protestant or jew or atheist etc etc".


However, the media would rather have you believe that they all go to strict Muslim schools which are secretly training camps or some other facility undermining the country.


The whole issue is centred around uniform and dress rules. It happens every single day - a kid tries it on with a shirt too tight, wrong kind of trousers, stupidly short skirt, dyed hair, hair covering the face.


Some of them make the news on a quiet day, unless they're not white then its suddenly a race argument and a big deal.


Personally I've no gripe with beards and muzzies - and neither do many other schools. I went to Beaver Hill School with kids from Darnall who sported some terrific facial hair by the age of 14!


It isn't a story because it is non-white kids trying it on. It is a story because the family played the race/religious card with (false) claims of discrimination.

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How many FSE100 company directors have facial tattoos and nose piercings?


In the real world your apprearance does make a difference... like it or not. Schools are there to prepare kids for the real world and are not the child soldiers of the politically correct left.




It is nonsense to think that the same rules should apply to teachers as to pupils! If one of the rules is 'obey teachers' then how will that work?!?


It is only discrimination if the rules don't apply to all. If you make an acception for religious reasons then you discriminate against everyone else nd really o introduce discrimination.

....."In the real world your appearance does make a difference... like it or not. Schools are there to prepare kids for the real world and are not the child soldiers of the politically correct left."

Absolutely true!....but remember you are addressing the leftie majority on this forum,who absolutely hate rules and any form of discipline and whose only real goal in life is rebellion and chaos!

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