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Castle Martial Arts (Castle BBA) -

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I received a 30 day free trial offer for the Castle Martial Arts (Castle black belt academy) and my son was very interested in going along, so I attended the first 'private' lesson - more like a sales pitch.


And my son really wanted to go. I am serval dyslexic, so informed the member of staff I couldn't read well, so could he explain what he get me to sign. The member of staff proceed to inform me of the free 30 days trial and if I paid for the VIP programme I would get it cheaper. So I agreed thinking that if my son changed his mind I would get my money back as it was a FREE 30 day trial and the moneys paid was for the VIP programme after the inital free trial.


My son attended his first class and he was the only on of his age, most was quite older them him and he was quite shy, a couple of lessons in he had a little accident as he felt he couldn't say he needed to go to the toilet and after that he didn't want to go back, so I requested my money back and was informed that it was non-refunable and my son should carry on going to the classes. I thought I better get someone to check the coontracts, but I couldn't find a copy of the contracts in with the stuff they gave me when I signed up, I requested a copy of the contract to find out that the staff member had me sign up to a VIP Programme, waving the 30 day free trial.


I have two questions:

1. Does anyone know if they have a right to keep the money?

2. Has anyone else had a similar problem?

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Mate, there are a load of threads on here about Castle BBA, it is a complete rip off, money making scheme. Go and see Citizens Advice Beareau or something like that. Most reputable clubs (and there are lots in Sheffield) only charge you for the sessions you attend. I don't even think the instructors as Castle are that qualified, read a million and one horror stories on here.


Fingers crossed you get your money back.

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That's disgusting they should be ashamed. Castle BBA should be avoided at all costs. They are good at avertising though so unfortunately people fall into there trap, i know cause I nearly did when i was looking for martial arts club (if you can call them that).

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I received a 30 day free trial offer for the Castle Martial Arts (Castle black belt academy) and my son was very interested in going along, so I attended the first 'private' lesson - more like a sales pitch.


And my son really wanted to go. I am serval dyslexic, so informed the member of staff I couldn't read well, so could he explain what he get me to sign. The member of staff proceed to inform me of the free 30 days trial and if I paid for the VIP programme I would get it cheaper. So I agreed thinking that if my son changed his mind I would get my money back as it was a FREE 30 day trial and the moneys paid was for the VIP programme after the inital free trial.


My son attended his first class and he was the only on of his age, most was quite older them him and he was quite shy, a couple of lessons in he had a little accident as he felt he couldn't say he needed to go to the toilet and after that he didn't want to go back, so I requested my money back and was informed that it was non-refunable and my son should carry on going to the classes. I thought I better get someone to check the coontracts, but I couldn't find a copy of the contracts in with the stuff they gave me when I signed up, I requested a copy of the contract to find out that the staff member had me sign up to a VIP Programme, waving the 30 day free trial.


I have two questions:

1. Does anyone know if they have a right to keep the money?

2. Has anyone else had a similar problem?



I cant answer what to do apart from visit citizens advice bureau.


How old is your son by the way?

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They should have given you a copy of the contract to take home, also if you didn't want the VIP package a credible company would refund you, minus the lessons already taken. I will say that these type of contracts are notoriously difficult to escape or get a refund from although you could argue that you were misled into signing, which is a criminal offence!

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