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Genuine reasons why JSA is stopped.

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Having experienced this sort of thing when my OH was on JSA while looking for a new job.... they don't actually surprise me.


Biggest relief when he found a new job was not having to deal with all the bureaucratic red tape nonsense of the job centre any more!

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Words fail me. I think sanctions are a useful stick to beat the terminally idle with but these people aren't terminally idle! They've got interviews or they're ill or they've even got jobs ready to go! Even worse the people with jobs at the job centre aren't doing them right and they're losing people money!!!! Sack them!

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None of this is properly varified with the job centre, it's all the one sided sob-story from the victim.


Half of it is taken off Twitter, some off random forums, but my favourite source is this:


TBF the cheesy monkey one, I'm siding with the Jobcentre. You're told verbally and given written confirmation of your appointment. "Forgetting" to go on the right date is no excuse.

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