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Genuine reasons why JSA is stopped.

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But is that a specific target? Is there a meeting for staff where they are told you give x amount of people sanctions if you don't get them a job?


I'd love to see evidence of that.


it will all be verbal and denied if it got out

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It's the public sector - there'll be a paper trail a mile long if these targets exist. That's a big IF. I reckon it's down to individuals in the job who aren't very good at it.


Here you go:



They seem quite pleased their efforts:


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I'm appalled. I'm appalled that according to a fairly solid guardian article it's a directive. I'm appalled that the individuals do it anyway - do they sacked if they don't? I'm equally appalled that their union doesn't want to know either "we don't like targets" is a poor response. DWP says its all bobbins but I'd like the top civil servants and ministers concerned in front of at least a select committee answering some pointy questions.


Sad day all round.

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I'm going off some of the comments, which isn't foolproof by any standards ill grant you. I'm staggered by the numbers though more than anything and some of the reasons given (that may or may not be accurate.) It looks like the job centre are looking at ways to stop benefits rather than trying to get people jobs. Never used to be like that (according to my parents who a combined service record of working for the job centre/labour exchange etc etc of around 50 years!)


(My bold above) I share these thoughts, I really do. But the government will still be taking NI contributions off the guys when they do get a job, just like they have taken it (NI) off some of these guys that they are refusing to pay JS to via sanctions.


A bit like paying insurance premiums then being declined when you put a claim in.

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All those examples are of incompetent job centre staff not that the JSA system is wrong in anyway.


It is 'the system' that is a fault because it's the system that drives the behaviour of staff. The problem is how performance is assessed and managed.

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