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Star walk,5 stones things from the past

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During my idle musings and thinking about exercise my mind went to things from the past.

Does the Star Walk still exist and how long was the route?

What were some of the skipping songs, used mainly by girls?

What happened to ,5 stones,mabs,hop scotch ,peggy (the thing with a tapered piece of wood and a stick) ?

Whip and top,which I seem to associate with Easter or Whitsuntide .

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...Does the Star Walk still exist and how long was the route?.. .
Sadly, the Star Walk finished in 2000 after 78 years. Here is an old thread about it. The men's route was 12 miles long and the women's 9 miles. My dad did the walk in 1951 and came 12th; he said some of the young men didn't get further than the first pub..:P
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Actually they did it again this year because John the pram man was in it but not sure of the date. The mens race used to be 12 miles starting at West Bar and the womens was 9 miles startng on Leppings Lane. The women would set of after the mens race had gone past and when I did it although I was by no means the fastest I passed some of the slower men. They also had a 3 mile race for children which was the first 3 miles to Leppings Lane. The race went up Leppings Lane, down Wheel Lane, through Ecclesfield village, up Barnsley road, down Longley Lane and 1 lap of the track in Hllsborough park. My times were 2hrs 7 mins first time and 2 hrs 3 minutes 2nd time. If you did under 2 hrs you got a time certificate and if you won you were banned from taking part in subsequent races. If I were to try it now I'd have to get the bus

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