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Birley Spa Bath house


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Just wondering if any one had any idea who has ownership over the old roman bath house on Birley Spa Lane? :)


Its gone really down hill since its restoration in 2002 and it seems such a shame to let it go to waste.


any information would be greatly recieved.




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  • 4 months later...

I had a walk down the other month and it was very eerie,run down and nothing like i remember how it used to look like when i was growing up.

A real shame,it could be made into something much more of a community focal point if planned properley.

Restore the pond to its former glory,put a kids park down there and planned activities,open a cafe in the bath house(i remember going to parties above the bath house,theres a community hall in there)and try and make something of it.Millhouses and graves thrive nearly all year round,i know its not on that scale,but the surroundings and history are amazing.

Come on sheffield city council,dont let a little gem go to wrack and ruin.

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