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University halls of residence.

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This thread maybe moved because i don't really know where to put it.


Basically in all likelihood i'll be heading off to uni next September. I'm looking forward to it in one way. The opportunity of spending three years studying something i am really interested in sound excellent. The only problem is the thought of moving out into halls makes me feel real nervous. I love my home and have always been a real home bird. But i know if i stop at home while studying ill really miss out on the experience of uni. So i'm just asking if anyone else was a similar situation when they were moving to uni and if so how did it turn out? Did you end up enjoying the halls life or do you really wish you stopped at home.

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I loved it halls - only stayed there a year then moved into private housing.

This was over 20 years ago when things were cheaper mind!


I have a cousin & she stayed at home to go to Uni, more do nowadays to save on money.


I would encourage you to try it. There will be others there who feel the same as you, missing home & the comforts. But you can visit home some weekends. It's a gentle introduction to freedom. Go for it!

Which Uni are you thinking of btw?

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Not many students get into halls so if you do then count yourself lucky rather than feel nervous. When I first went to college I had nowhere to stay for the first 4 nights and ended up sharing a room in a hostel in a rough area of London I didn't know with 2 people who couldn't speak English. I then shared a room for 9 months with someone I'd never met before. It toughens you up and teaches you some survival skills. If you can't get into a hall then get a room in a shared house or flat. You'll settle in quickly and in hindsight you look back with most nostalgia on the times you have to go through the pain barrier because that's when life is most interesting and educational as well as the hardest.

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Not many students get into halls so if you do then count yourself lucky rather than feel nervous. When I first went to college I had nowhere to stay for the first 4 nights and ended up sharing a room in a hostel in a rough area of London I didn't know with 2 people who couldn't speak English. I then shared a room for 9 months with someone I'd never met before. It toughens you up and teaches you some survival skills. If you can't get into a hall then get a room in a shared house or flat. You'll settle in quickly and in hindsight you look back with most nostalgia on the times you have to go through the pain barrier because that's when life is most interesting and educational as well as the hardest.


Think that's changed now. All university's guarantee accommodation now. Even if there is no accommodation they put students up in Hotels.

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When I was staying in halls, there was a 'senior student' (doing his PhD, I assume) who was in the halls in as well, in the ground floor flat. He'd make himself available to students - in a pastoral sense, in return for free accommodation (again, I assume).

There might be similar nowadays if you ask them at the accommodation office.

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I found Halls to be ridiculously expensive when I was studying, so I opted for a room in a University-owned house for 10 with shared kitchen and 2 bathrooms. From what I saw of the halls, they did tend to attract students from more priviliged backgrounds and students did seem to have a lot less freedom and personal space than I did. I think the student house was a good balance because I got to meet a lot more overseas students, and I enjoyed the freedom. I was a home bird and for the whole three years I only stayed for two weekends at university (one, was for a mate's big party, and the other one was because I got snowed in!), as I much preferred coming home at weekends. I don't feel I missed out at all, I think I had the best of both worlds.

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