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Syrian migrants go on hunger strike in France,England is what they wan

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I'm not the one welcoming them either, but I'd listen to what they have to say before rejecting them.



Not really sure of our point here, the article refers to terrorism in Syria executed by Britons.


Supposed Britons, you know the type who suddenly become Britons when they are caught, probably came in from France type with a sad tale to tell.

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If they want to starve themselves then let them. They are Frances problem, not ours and their pathetic threats of going on a hunger strike should be ignored. Call their bluff and if they do mean it then so what? What use are they going to be should we let them in here?

None is my guess. Just more foreign parasites scrounging off the benefits system and health service that can barely cope as it is


Dont give in to blackmail - let them starve...


All this bile and bitterness on a Sunday morning.


What's wrong with you people? Lack of empathy mostly I suppose.

Lack of parental love when small?


Who can say? Profoundly depressing anyway.

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Supposed Britons, you know the type who suddenly become Britons when they are caught, probably came in from France type with a sad tale to tell.


Then again they probably didn't.


---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 10:45 ----------


I did not know about all this refugee problem that is massing on the borders of Ireland and Scotland perhaps I read the wrong paper.


There isn't one, but then I didn't realise it was beyond the intelligence of posters here to speculate on the possibility of how they might respond if there was one.

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Refugees are meant to claim asylum in the first safe country they arrive in. Not the one with the best benefit system.


This is why I do not believe people like this claiming asylum, nor do I believe (be it tragic) that the people who died on the boat crossing to Italy this week where really asylum seekers, but rather economic migrants.


Thank you for telling the truth, you do realise you'll now be called racist, and lacking in empathy.


---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 11:35 ----------


All this bile and bitterness on a Sunday morning.

What's wrong with you people? Lack of empathy mostly I suppose.

Lack of parental love when small?

Who can say? Profoundly depressing anyway.


the UK cannot afford to let in anymore false asylum seekers, false refugees, economic migrants or potential terrorists.


---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 11:41 ----------


Why would a Syrian doctor/teacher/engineer/lawyer leave his/her native country dragging their children behind them to make a (speculative) asylum claim here where they know they'll be unable to work but receive housing benefit and food vouchers?


We can't afford anymore of these bogus (for several reasons) economic migrants.


How do they drag their children, by their feet, hair, behind a car etc?

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Thank you for telling the truth, you do realise you'll now be called racist, and lacking in empathy.


You do realise you'll be accused of suffering from a persecution complex?


Concerned for your welfare I've found this counselling link which will ameliorate the condition


NB: it contains some 'direct' language which others might find offensive.




---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 11:44 ----------


We can't afford anymore of these bogus (for several reasons) economic migrants.


Absolutely, no ones said otherwise.


However you need to determine the sincerity of their claim before arriving at any conclusion-that's my point.

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All this bile and bitterness on a Sunday morning.


What's wrong with you people? Lack of empathy mostly I suppose.

Lack of parental love when small?


Who can say? Profoundly depressing anyway.

As has already been stated, asylum seekers are supposed to request asylum in the first safe country then get to. However, they are carrying on until they get here, knowing that our benefits system will give them more than anywhere else.


If they have left children back in their country of origin, we even give them child benefit for gods sake.


And yes, I used to work for the DWP and know people that work for the immigration service, so we know the real reasons they come here.


No wonder they all want to come to the UK - they know we are a soft touch.


And THATS why I say let them starve, they want our money, NOT a safe haven.

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Why are we always made to feel responsible for these people..


We are a tiny country with enough of our own problems. We've done our bit.


Let the oil rich middle eastern countries to start to take responsibility. They have huge swaths of empty land.

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However you need to determine the sincerity of their claim before arriving at any conclusion-that's my point.


The sincerity of any claim for asylum or refugee status in the UK is already proven to be non-existent by the fact they are already in a safe European country.

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The sincerity of any claim for asylum or refugee status in the UK is already proven to be non-existent by the fact they are already in a safe European country.
I don't necessarily disagree, however the way the French treat asylum seekers I wouldnt be surprised if the Syrians were seeking refuge from them ;)


---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 12:28 ----------


As has already been stated, asylum seekers are supposed to request asylum in the first safe country then get to. However, they are carrying on until they get here, knowing that our benefits system will give them more than anywhere else.
How do you know the outcome of asylum applications they made enroute to getting here? It doesn't follow that just because they make an application in the nearest safe country it will be accepted.

If they have left children back in their country of origin, we even give them child benefit for gods sake.

I'd be very surprised if that were the case since asylum seekers don't generally qualify for child benefit for children with them in the UK.




Do you see how false statements create all kinds of hostility towards genuine refugees?

And yes, I used to work for the DWP and know people that work for the immigration service, so we know the real reasons they come here.

How do you know the real reasons unless you experienced the persecution in the countries they're fleeing from? As I said previously do you think a Syrian doctor's going to upsticks and come here so he can get a bit of housing benefit?

No wonder they all want to come to the UK - they know we are a soft touch.


Again, another false statement, no they don't 'all want to come here'. According to the UNHCR, one million displaced Syrians have taken refuge in countries neighbouring them-that's a helluava humanitarian gesture from those countries in spite of international aid supporting them.


"More than 97 per cent of Syria's refugees are hosted by countries in the immediate surrounding region, placing an overwhelming burden on their infrastructures, economies and societies. They urgently need massive international support to help deal with the crisis.




And THATS why I say let them starve, they want our money, NOT a safe haven.


Is this how you conducted assessments when working for the DWP? Making judgements before you'd interviewed people?


You do know there's a war on in Syria?

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