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Syrian migrants go on hunger strike in France,England is what they wan

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Im not saying that we shouldnt do our bit but my point is valid. If your country is being torn apart by war than anywhere is gonna be better than there.


Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Greece, Spain, France......the list goes on. These are counties that are alot closer than ours.


Did the forum suddenly become stricken by overwhelming word blindness?


Your proposal's fine but it assumes those countries are under more compunction to accept refugees than we or any other country is and if they are whether they want to accept them in the first place. It also assumes those countries haven't already absorbed their fair share of the problem.


---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 14:18 ----------


Oh Dear, I suppose that is what happens when one correspondes with intellectuals.


It probably is cuttsie, but I doubt it. It was a fairly simple analogy I'd created :)


---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 14:20 ----------


Has anyone considered that if the Syrian asylum seekers are granted leave to remain in France, and then French citizenship, eventually they'd be able to come to the UK on French passports. Many other former asylum seekers have done just that. I've met people from a variety of ethnic origins who have passports from different European countries and have the same rights of travel as anyone else with a European passport.


Hahaha..have you not eaten raw meat yet today MacB? Looks like you're keen to hear the swish of your banning stick :hihi:


---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 14:33 ----------


"Thanks for taking us in and looking after us. We really appreciate all youve done for us. We cant wait to get back and to help build our destroyed homes and to build a future for a country. No we wont take you to a European court of appeal. Why would we. We only came here to get away from war and now its over. Thanks for the tickets & sandwiches. You didnt have to but you did anyway. Bye"


Why have you taken to talking to yourself? Not tripping up over your multiple identities are you Clown Shoes?


Anyway, since you raise the subject-the vast majority of refugees do indeed return to their native countries, why wouldn't they? So your analysis is quite correct, just try to remember that all those Chinese burning up and down Netherthorpe Road in new Range Rovers are foreign students, not refugees from the Orient :hihi:


Here's some (highbrow) reading you'll probably not want to engage with, it's a report from the UNHCR regarding the outcome for the last large scale humanitarian effort to support Afghans who were displaced



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Has anyone considered that if the Syrian asylum seekers are granted leave to remain in France, and then French citizenship, eventually they'd be able to come to the UK on French passports. Many other former asylum seekers have done just that. I've met people from a variety of ethnic origins who have passports from different European countries and have the same rights of travel as anyone else with a European passport.


and that dear friends is precisely the problem:loopy::roll:


---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 15:00 ----------


oh god youll now start em off on an anti EU rant lol


well Mel if the cap fits:roll:

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Did the forum suddenly become stricken by overwhelming word blindness?


Your proposal's fine but it assumes those countries are under more compunction to accept refugees than we or any other country is and if they are whether they want to accept them in the first place. It also assumes those countries haven't already absorbed their fair share of the problem.


---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 14:18 ----------



It probably is cuttsie, but I doubt it. It was a fairly simple analogy I'd created :)


---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 14:20 ----------



Hahaha..have you not eaten raw meat yet today MacB? Looks like you're keen to hear the swish of your banning stick :hihi:


---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 14:33 ----------



Why have you taken to talking to yourself? Not tripping up over your multiple identities are you Clown Shoes?


Anyway, since you raise the subject-the vast majority of refugees do indeed return to their native countries, why wouldn't they? So your analysis is quite correct, just try to remember that all those Chinese burning up and down Netherthorpe Road in new Range Rovers are foreign students, not refugees from the Orient :hihi:


Here's some (highbrow) reading you'll probably not want to engage with, it's a report from the UNHCR regarding the outcome for the last large scale humanitarian effort to support Afghans who were displaced




Nope i was giving it from 2 perspectives and i why would i bother with 2 profiles on SF. I say what i like and im not shy to give my opinion.


Youve totally over looked anything ive said. I said that we are the furthest country from Syria before you hit the Atlantic. France have publicly offered them asylum but they wanna come here. So their motives are what they can get out of us.


If you care so much let them live in your house. Im sure you can get at least 20 in there.


Or are you one of those people who complains about a bad phone reception in your home but then signs a petition cause you dont want a mobile phone mast near your house?

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Youve totally over looked anything ive said. I said that we are the furthest country from Syria before you hit the Atlantic. France have publicly offered them asylum but they wanna come here. So their motives are what they can get out of us.
I didn't overlook what you said Clown Shoes, I was specifically addressing your comments regarding Egypt and other 'nearer' countries.

If you care so much let them live in your house. Im sure you can get at least 20 in there.

Do you know something, if you were my neighbour and your house burned down then you and your famliy would be welcomed to stay, but I suspect a bit like the Syrians you might seek more 'amenable' environs ;)

Or are you one of those people who complains about a bad phone reception in your home but then signs a petition cause you dont want a mobile phone mast near your house?


Not at all! I'm live and let live-I don't particularly want a mast in my garden, but by the same token I appreciate the technology that's required to make these things work.

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Absolutely, no ones said otherwise.


However you need to determine the sincerity of their claim before arriving at any conclusion-that's my point.


They've decided the sincerity of their claim by passing through safe countries to get to the best soft touch.

We can't afford to look after our own needy without these economic scroungers coming here sponging off of our benefits system.


---------- Post added 06-10-2013 at 16:19 ----------


Has anyone considered that if the Syrian asylum seekers are granted leave to remain in France, and then French citizenship, eventually they'd be able to come to the UK on French passports. Many other former asylum seekers have done just that. I've met people from a variety of ethnic origins who have passports from different European countries and have the same rights of travel as anyone else with a European passport.
Then they should be sent back as soon as things calm down.
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it's turning very xenophobic, ever more publicly atm.


Massive ding-dong currently, after several socialist ministers jumped on Marine LePen's bandwagon in the mainstream media about Romas. The sort of outbursts that would lose a Minister his job here, and jelly-made-man Hollande hasn't condemned them as much/strenuously as he should have...probable because he's snookered by them for political survival.


Seems to be a race to the bottom where that is concerned, esp.after the Front National latest estimates in polls. Old Marine is running away with public opinion, I regret to inform. It's turning ugly in a few places.



Excellent news this,the Front National are speaking for the majority on scrounging immigrants.

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A women was sent to jail for starving her baby to death last week. A baby that slipped through the cracks of a very stretched & under funded public service. We have enough of our own problems to deal with & our country is at breaking point.


Our message should be clear.....


"If you need asylum then yes we will welcome you. As youve past through 17 countries to get here we know it cant be asylum.


If youve want to come here to use the housing stock, NHS, free income support, commit crime etc etc .Sorry but we have enough on our plates at the moment so youve wasted your time. Try somewhere else"


You give out that message & they will not keep coming here with nothing but the clothes they are wearing. With the intention of bringing their entire family as soon as they can needing a huge house to accommodate them all.

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Excellent news this,the Front National are speaking for the majority on scrounging immigrants.


Gosh, and you're surprised refugees don't particularly want to go there.


Imagine if your house were on fire..Marine Le Pen wouldn't roll out of bed to p*** on it.

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