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Syrian migrants go on hunger strike in France,England is what they wan

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Not only do you lack empathy but you seem to have a distorted view of what it means. Because I empathise doesn't mean I advocate mass immigration..that's your interpretation not mine.


People do not flee their homes en mass in their millions just so that they can gain your outrage. These people are not migrants in the sense you or I may want to emigrate, they are refugees. If you want to define refugees as benefit sucking parasites then carry on, that's your opinion, nothing much likely to change that view.


Be careful though when it comes around and bites you in the arse, because one day you may be forced into a situation where you have to hold your hand out because lying at your feet are your dead children.



First of all you dont have a clue if I have empathy or not,as for migrants or refugees ,same thing,both groups will be a drain on our country just like those already here.

As for the last paragraph I doubt my children will be laying dead at my feet and if you mean that personaly then you are a very sick person indeed.

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First of all you dont have a clue if I have empathy or not,


Yes I do.


as for migrants or refugees ,same thing


No they're not.


both groups will be a drain on our country just like those already here.


That's the consequence of being a refugee, they have nothing.:roll:



As for the last paragraph I doubt my children will be laying dead at my feet and if you mean that personaly then you are a very sick person indeed


As I said, zero empathy.

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They're being offered a safe place in France. If they were genuinely trying to escape their government, they're quite alright where they are.


The sole reason (in my opinion) they wish to get here is because the benefits will be handed out quicker, and they'll get a nice 2-bed semi much faster.

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And as I said one sick person.


At least have the courage to explain why you think so, don't just throw meaningless words around.


You've accused me of being far left mentality, mass immigration supporter, tarring you with the racist brush, and then you cap it off with accusing me of getting personal with your children, because you're incapable of comprehending metaphor when it smacks you between the eyes.. Absolutely weird considering I didn't know that you have children.

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They're being offered a safe place in France. If they were genuinely trying to escape their government, they're quite alright where they are.


The sole reason (in my opinion) they wish to get here is because the benefits will be handed out quicker, and they'll get a nice 2-bed semi much faster.


thats exactly the reason and i guess we will see it more and more:roll::roll:

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Of course thats your personal opinion isnt it;) I take it you are for mass immigration into the UK?

If thats the case your very much in the minority and of the far left type,as for empathy,that is not the sole preserve of the left,but people like you will always tar some with the racist brush wont you.


..and this post demonstrates the poster's point perfectly. You're creating a binary argument, it's 'either/or', no shades of grey, no discussion of why these Syrians are behaving this way, why they've fled Syria, the realities of why we can or can't help them.


Someone can challenge your post without being 'for mass immigration' or being of the 'far left type' or 'tarring someone with the racist brush'-it's all innuendo designed to devalue someone's argument without challenging the substance of what they say-the debate has already become 'bogged down' and you're a jammy dodger.


---------- Post added 05-10-2013 at 07:54 ----------


as for migrants or refugees ,same thing,both groups will be a drain on our country just like those already here.


So Carlos Tevez was a refugee and drain on our country? He certainly didn't come here to take refuge from taxes




Then there's the tens of thousands of professionals who come here to work and foreign students who come here to study.

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I would have thought that France would be a good country to live in compared to Syria ,but then again they think England is better and I wonder why.:huh:





If they want to starve themselves then let them. They are Frances problem, not ours and their pathetic threats of going on a hunger strike should be ignored. Call their bluff and if they do mean it then so what? What use are they going to be should we let them in here?

None is my guess. Just more foreign parasites scrounging off the benefits system and health service that can barely cope as it is

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..and this post demonstrates the poster's point perfectly. You're creating a binary argument, it's 'either/or', no shades of grey, no discussion of why these Syrians are behaving this way, why they've fled Syria, the realities of why we can or can't help them.


Someone can challenge your post without being 'for mass immigration' or being of the 'far left type' or 'tarring someone with the racist brush'-it's all innuendo designed to devalue someone's argument without challenging the substance of what they say-the debate has already become 'bogged down' and you're a jammy dodger.


---------- Post added 05-10-2013 at 07:54 ----------



So Carlos Tevez was a refugee and drain on our country? He certainly didn't come here to take refuge from taxes




Then there's the tens of thousands of professionals who come here to work and foreign students who come here to study.


not talking about those who come to work...its those scrounging eastern romas that are blighting our country...now tony blair wants albania to join the party....bout time mrs merkell put that big wall back up...and keep them behind it...as for syrians...let french keep them...

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If they want to starve themselves then let them. They are Frances problem, not ours and their pathetic threats of going on a hunger strike should be ignored. Call their bluff and if they do mean it then so what? What use are they going to be should we let them in here?

None is my guess. Just more foreign parasites scrounging off the benefits system and health service that can barely cope as it is


Brave people fleeing the destruction of their homeland and trying to make a better life for themselves and their children.

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