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Why do women get "dressed up to the nines" to go and watch boxing ?

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I am also facinated by the ringside women at boxing I often can not keep my eyes on the actual fight due to watching the lasses looking round at every thing going off but the actual fight in progress .


Mind you I also think that the semi naked bimbo's that parade around in between rounds displaying a board with the round no on does not add any thing whatsoever to what is in fact a traditional male night out.

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I am also facinated by the ringside women at boxing I often can not keep my eyes on the actual fight due to watching the lasses looking round at every thing going off but the actual fight in progress .


Mind you I also think that the semi naked bimbo's that parade around in between rounds displaying a board with the round no on does not add any thing whatsoever to what is in fact a traditional male night out.


Id love to see a charity football match of England Men Vs England Women.


I doubt the that women would want it cause the gulf in class will be immense


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Id love to see a charity football match of England Men Vs England Women.


I doubt the that women would want it cause the gulf in class will be immense



Yes I doubt the women would want to mix with that load of low life.

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