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Safer now than 20 years ago?

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Because that is what he's been told by the media, which doesn't necessarily make it true


He hasn't been told it by the media. He just makes it up as he goes along.


For those saying that a lot of crime goes unreported, a lot of crime went unreported in the past. We are seeing criminal trials as a result at the moment.

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Recorded crime figures have always been unreliable, probably a lot more crime went unrecorded in the past than does now. Some crimes can be reported & not recorded too. It's often in the police's interests to manipulate the figures, if crime is too high it looks like they're not doing their job, if there are dramatic falls then it looks like we don't need as many police.


The crime survey seems a lot more reliable, that's independent of the police. They ask around 50,000 people about crime they've experienced in the last year, whether they reported it to the police or not. It shows that crime peaked around 1995 & has fallen nearly every year since.

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I used to be out most weekends from 96 through to about 2003, so from the age of 16/17 through to my early 20's. Many a night I would take short cuts through alleys and side streets without a second thought and I would talk to anyone, walk home on my own etc...and I always felt perfectly safe. I stepped in to break up fights and confronted blokes wielding bottles...thinking back it was incredibly stupid, but I was young and as someone else said, I felt invincible! I never watched the news either so I would have been blissfully unaware of reported rapes or attacks.


Now I'm older I like to think I'm more responsible, and when I do venture out into town I make sure I'm on the right bus home at the right time and me and my friends text each other until we're back at our own front doors! I think it is all down to perception...it changes as we get older and we see the world for what it really is!

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Statistics may be irrelevant.

If you get attacked, it has happened to you, statistically 100%.

That it was twice as likely to have happened 20 yrs ago, or only half as likely, doesn't matter.


Also, remember that if there was a 0.1% risk 30 years ago, and its doubled today, that's still only 0.2%.

While plane crashes make the front page, I'll go on flying. When the safe arrival of a flight from New York to Heathrow is front page news (apart from celebrities aboard) I'll never book another airline ticket.

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you can't undercount, the number of people, that get murdered.


you can't undercount, the number of people, that die in road traffic accidents.


you can't undercount, the number of people, that die in fires.


all of which are about half, or nearly half of what they were twenty years ago.


unless you live in a totalitarian nonsense place. Which the UK, is not - yet. Although it would be very quickly if idiots like that Vague Boy have their way.


Yes you can, quite easily, fire death can be smoke inhalation days later,


Murder rate is a joke as now it's classed as manslaughter, when it should be murder


The car death figures probably can't be fiddled.


How man fights go off in town on Saturday night ? , how many are reported ?


The crime.figures are a joke, a very sick joke

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much safer now than 20 years ago. Crime is lower, especially violent crime, traffic fatalities have almost halved, and even people dying in fires, has lessened by 40%. It is just a much safer place now, than it was then.

Agreed. 20 years ago I would not have set foot in the city center at night but I feel safe enough doing it now.

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Yes you can, quite easily, fire death can be smoke inhalation days later,


Murder rate is a joke as now it's classed as manslaughter, when it should be murder



total nonsense. It can be a bit tricky to compare some countries to others as the murder law can be different in each one but the murder law has not changed out all recognition here like it would have had to to explain away that only around 50% of people are getting murdered here in the UK compared to twenty years ago.


and especially the fire death claim. What a laugh. There is no way it would not be classed as a fire death if it it was a result of smoke inhalation.

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Anybody got any real facts about it really being safer now than 20 years ago, let's take Sheffield as an example ... how many murders were commited in the city back in 1993 compared with 2013 ... anybody on here actually know ?

This year we had a 3 year old girl murdered in Shiregreen in February, a 45 year old woman stabbed to death on Blackstock Road in June, an 18 year old girl beheaded on Herries Road in June and a 23 year old male murdered on the Manor about 2 weeks ago, someone was stabbed on Dixon Lane last week and later died, all those followed the nationally broadcast murder of a church organist on Christmas eve 2012 .... I could go on and on !

You may have seen more fist fights in town 20 years ago, sometimes an occasional glassing, these do still happen by the way, but there are more stabbings in the city centre now than there was 20 years ago ... do your research people instead of kidding yourselves or believing fiddled statistics, google is your friend !

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