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How to make parents dislike you..

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No. The guns and the firing of them I don't have an issue with. It's the culture of guns I disagree with.


What do you mean by a gun culture? Are we talking about people meeting at a club and practicing target shooting or the whole street-respect do what I say cos I'm packing sort of thing?

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I shot an air rifle at cubs on a few occaisions and I loved it. Ma and pa weren't unduly concerned as far as I remember. Different times.


Should I confess now to charging round the General Cemetery in my youth, Diana SP50 in hand shooting at my mates who were similarly tooled up?


United always won btw ;)

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Should I confess now to charging round the General Cemetery in my youth, Diana SP50 in hand shooting at my mates who were similarly tooled up?


United always won btw ;)


A small pop out, so it is just a rumour :hihi:


---------- Post added 05-10-2013 at 23:31 ----------



Fantastic :)

And apologies for getting your name wrong.

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Should I confess now to charging round the General Cemetery in my youth, Diana SP50 in hand shooting at my mates who were similarly tooled up?


United always won btw ;)


I convinced my mum to buy me one of those when I was 14. Still got it some 40 years later albeit a little rusty and no ammo left :|


My mates back garden was quite big and had a few different levels, with trees, bushes and low walls etc - perfect arena for a game of SNIPER! We took turns to take pot shots at each other from a bedroom window, with the 'targets' only having bin lids or bits of wood for shields :o I don't recall anyone ever getting hit and injured although there must have been some close calls. Kind of scares me now thinking of what could have happened :(

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Should I confess now to charging round the General Cemetery in my youth, Diana SP50 in hand shooting at my mates who were similarly tooled up?


United always won btw ;)

I think lots of us did that :hihi:

The next weapons I used after that were a 303 and SA80...and I was getting paid for it :D

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I remember my friend ordering an air pistol and crossbow from his mums catalogue book and charging it to her account. There were no checks and she never noticed. We spent a lot of time ricocheting the crossbow bolts along his upstairs landing.

Fortunately none of us were ever hurt, unlike the time we made ourselves bows and arrows.

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