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Who rememmbers Westwood row In High green

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  • 1 year later...

Very interesting bit of social history behind Westwood Row, they were built for the strike busting miners brought in from around the country.

"The Westwood Riots


The path from the car park on Taverner Way in High Green passes a large pond, formerly the reservoir for the Thorncliffe works, before passing, on the right, the site of Westwood Rows, a double row of miners cottages and a methodist chapel. This was the scene of serious rioting in 1870 when the houses were built to accommodate non-union miners while their own men were on strike. On the morning of Friday 21st January 1870 an armed crowd of hundreds of men attacked the houses and only when police reinforcements arrived from Barnsley did the ensuing violence, damage and looting come under control."


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