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Would you claim expenses of 3p if you could?

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I know times are tight and we are all in it together and he is only on £66,000 a year, but would you claim 3p in expenses like Liam Fox did? He put in 16 claims for under a pound in the last financial year. He says he doesn't do his expenses his office does them, surely if he had an ounce of common sense he would tell them not to claim these ridiculous amounts.




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I don't earn 66k a year but I do claim back £2.10 for tube fares and 80p for car parking. Not sure if it would be considered ridiculous but when you add up all these little amounts they come to about £20 a month so it's worth me claiming.


I would not bother claiming 3p though, and I wouldn't use my car to travel just 100 yards.

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I don't earn 66k either. I don't bother claiming any expenses anyway, because my salary is more than enough for me to live on comfortably.

I have no problem with anyone claiming anything that they are entitled to. If an MP can claim 3p, let him.

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You'd think his office would have picked it up, it's just the kind of thing the tabloids love.


What about Mr. & Mrs. Balls then :"The hardline socialist husband-and-wife shadow cabinet team have been referred to the parliamentary standards watchdog after they claimed for reimbursement of 375 journeys for their three children between 2007 and 2010."


"Because they are both MPs they are able to claim twice as much as a single MP with a family."


They also flipped homes 3 times during the expenses scandal.




Nothing mps do surprises me anymore.

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The things they can claim is a joke, he claimed 90p for going to the cinema with his wife, why should they get paid for going out for pleasure?


Have you ever met his wife?


Secondly when was the last time a cinema charged 90p-must have been when I went to see Soldier Blue in the 70s.

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What on earth can you purchase for 3p these days?


If you multiply it by a million people not claiming it in which it stays in government coffers unclaimed..quite a lot to the treasury actually.


What can you buy for a quid these days?

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I don't earn 66k either. I don't bother claiming any expenses anyway, because my salary is more than enough for me to live on comfortably.

I have no problem with anyone claiming anything that they are entitled to. If an MP can claim 3p, let him.


I do claim because I would object to subsidising my employer. ll thThere are things I could claim for e.g. telephone calls and newspapers if I stay away overnight, but I don't because I never ring anyone and usually there are free papers in the hotel.


I put my claims through each month and alongside the hotels, train tickets etc I also claim all the 80ps and £2s and bits and pieces. It's no more work for me because they all go on the same form. I suspect that's what happened here - they just claimed for everything and nobody thought to question the 3p,.

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