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Schools failing in RE

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I could have linked to any number of websites describing the Gods of Buddhism, I chose the BBC because I felt it was more reliable than Wikipedia.


There is no requirement in the definition of God for it to be a supreme Creator God.

I didn't say there was.

The original question was...

Are there any religions that do not claim there is a god,or even several such figures?

...to which I answered yes. As a religion on the whole, there is no claim that any gods currently do exist, as Buddhism is more concerned with Earthly existence and how we live our lives. None of the Buddhists I have known claim that any gods exist.

And I know many Christians that don't believe in God, but that doesn't change the fact that Christianity as a religion is based on there being a God.


Theravada is not without Gods

That site, like the BBC (and much of the Western world), is translating the word "Deva" as "deity" and "gods". It's my understanding (from Buddhists themselves) that Devas were/are not gods but mortal (although supernatural) beings, which some Buddhists literally believe but many more view as metaphorical and mythological.


Regardless of whether Deva means gods, my answer to the original question is yes, there are religions who do not claim that gods exist

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I do not know many Buddhists,but when I met the Dala Lame in Lamayurou Monastery,Ladahk,he said


"God,its rather cold outside"


If you say "F***, it's rather cold outside" - it doesn't mean you think there is a being called F*** - or that you are actually protesting against a being called F***. The same goes when the word God is used as an expletive or exclamation.

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Besides that being from 2010, atheist's scores were nothing exceptional. They were very close to and sometimes beaten by Jewish, Mormon and White Evangelical.


Considering atheists aren't affiliated with those religions, the results were extremely exceptional when compared to the majority who are affiliated with those religions.

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Besides that being from 2010, atheist's scores were nothing exceptional. They were very close to and sometimes beaten by Jewish, Mormon and White Evangelical.


The Mormons and White Evangelicals did significantly poorer at religions other than their own though so their overall scores were boosted by their knowledge of their 'specialist subject'. I'd expect an atheist/agnostic to have examined different religions more that those who have a religion so there's no surprise they did so well. The real surprise for me in that survey is that one religious group, Jews, know more about different religions overall than members of other religions do.

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Besides that being from 2010, atheist's scores were nothing exceptional. They were very close to and sometimes beaten by Jewish, Mormon and White Evangelical.


I fail to understand what you mean by "nothing exceptional"? Sure you might have got 32 out of 32, but this was a study involving averages.


Atheist/agnostics came out top in the study of religious knowledge, and 31% ahead of average.


It was a large study, and widely reported. I don't think the fact that it was undertaken 3 years ago undermines it, but you are welcome to find a more recent one if you can.


I still suspect there is a strong positive correlation between religious knowledge and lack of religion.

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I fail to understand what you mean by "nothing exceptional"? Sure you might have got 32 out of 32, but this was a study involving averages.


Atheist/agnostics came out top in the study of religious knowledge, and 31% ahead of average.


It was a large study, and widely reported. I don't think the fact that it was undertaken 3 years ago undermines it, but you are welcome to find a more recent one if you can.


I still suspect there is a strong positive correlation between religious knowledge and lack of religion.


I have no religion and have just taken the test on the page linked to...I got 75%..maybe you are right... ?

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