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Schools failing in RE

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The first line of that page you link to-


"This section of our site focuses on the Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist Pantheon.".


It's about Tibetan Buddhism- neither tibetan buddhism or tibet existed at the time of the buddha.






Yes I Know, I have posted links from every variation of Buddhism and they all have Deities/Deva/Gods.


Some more copied and pasted text.


Buddha is quoted as saying:


"Thus," replied the Buddha,

"the Tathagata knows the straight path

that leads to a union with Brahma.

He knows it as one who has entered the world of Brahma and has been born in it.

There can be no doubt in the Tathagata."


For those not familiar with these terms:


Tathagata: The 'mind of clear and pure reflection,' or 'reality + mental body in various state of mind. The Buddha mind-nature hidden within every being.


Brahma: The creative force of Brahman.


Brahman: The trancendent absolute being that pervades and supports all reality." Another definition of Brahman is that which is Absolute, fills all space, is complete in itself, to which there is no second, and which is continuously present in everything, from the Creator down to the lowest of matter. It, being everywhere, is also in each and every individual.


In the ancient Vedic religion, God was described as having three attributes. Creator, preserver and destroyer. Over time these three attributes were personalized and became known as the Gods of Brahma (creator) Vishnu (preserver) and Shiva (destroyer).

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Given the ignorance and bigotry which prevails (especially with respect to Islam) this Re initiative should be welcomed.It might foster rather more tolerance of others.


RE should not be taught in schools what so ever. Why should kids be force fed religion ? If someone wants to lead their life by what some book tells them when they are older ,thats up to them , but it should not be rammed down kids throats at school.

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RE should not be taught in schools what so ever. Why should kids be force fed religion ? If someone wants to lead their life by what some book tells them when they are older ,thats up to them , but it should not be rammed down kids throats at school.


RE isn't 'force feeding religion' though. It's about teaching children about the different forms of religion and the effects of religion on the world/history of religion etc.


---------- Post added 12-10-2013 at 22:21 ----------


Yes I Know, I have posted links from every variation of Buddhism and they all have Deities/Deva/Gods.



Well they don't all have Deities/Deva/Gods (maybe the particular systems you've linked to do, but, like I said before, there are many systems of 'buddhism' today that have added on all manner of ideas that the original buddha never taught- a lot of them directly contradict the things that he did teach).


Like I mentioned in my previous post, Buddha himself emphasised that he himself was not a God, but merely a man (who had found a way to escape human suffering) and that, when asked about God by his followers, said that the question was irrelevant to what he wa teaching.


Many buddhists today are atheists. Many forms of modern American zen (buddhism) are very, very clear on the fact that they are not religions, and that God/gods are certainly not a part of what they teach/believe.

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Yes they do, worship is simply the feeling or expression of deep respect, love and admiration for a deity, Devas are deities.


Buddhist Deities



a god or goddess


From what I've read, making offerings and the worshipping of deities in Buddhism isn't encouraged. And there are no teachings in Buddhism requiring Buddhists to worship and pray to devas. Worshipping devas would defeat the purpose of Buddhism: to achieve enlightenment. You can't achieve enlightenment if you hold those ideas.

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RE isn't 'force feeding religion' though. It's about teaching children about the different forms of religion and the effects of religion on the world/history of religion etc.


By it being on the school lesson timetable ,kids are forced to endure RE, they dont have a choice (unless they wag it ) ,so in that respect ,they ARE being force fed religion , whatever context the lessons may take. kids dont have the choice to opt out of RE .

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By it being on the school lesson timetable ,kids are forced to endure RE, they dont have a choice (unless they wag it ) ,so in that respect ,they ARE being force fed religion , whatever context the lessons may take. kids dont have the choice to opt out of RE .


RE is only the same as history.


The history of the UK could not be understood without reference to the Catholic Church, Henry VIII and the Church of England.


RE should be taught, if only to give children a chance to glimpse the stone age principles of ignorant people who believe, without question, stuff that is in an old book.

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By it being on the school lesson timetable ,kids are forced to endure RE, they dont have a choice (unless they wag it ) ,so in that respect ,they ARE being force fed religion , whatever context the lessons may take. kids dont have the choice to opt out of RE .


RE is kind of shoving religion down kids throats at some level or another. It's also so easily open to abuse by evangelical types. I know the intention of RE is to raise kids awareness of what some people deeply believe, but why should religion be granted that sort of privilege in schools; some people, after all, deeply believe in all sorts of junk: from astrology to alien UFOs, from ghosts to talking to the dead. Are they going to give those deeply held beliefs time too.


IMO, RE isn't really needed. And neither is the other junk.


---------- Post added 13-10-2013 at 00:25 ----------


RE is only the same as history.


The history of the UK could not be understood without reference to the Catholic Church, Henry VIII and the Church of England.


RE should be taught, if only to give children a chance to glimpse the stone age principles of ignorant people who believe, without question, stuff that is in an old book.


You could touch on the religions of the world by teaching world history.It shouldn't need lessons dedicated to RE.

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By it being on the school lesson timetable ,kids are forced to endure RE, they dont have a choice (unless they wag it ) ,so in that respect ,they ARE being force fed religion , whatever context the lessons may take. kids dont have the choice to opt out of RE .


Yes, they are 'force fed' RE- just as they are force fed maths and english.


But they are not force fed religion via RE, because RE is the academic study of religion- similarly the study of war in history etc, does not involve killing, wearing uniforms or the promotion of war/military life.


Now if the school has prayers in assemby- that is force feeding of religion, but RE isn't (unless it's being seriously misused in a school).

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From what I've read, making offerings and the worshipping of deities in Buddhism isn't encouraged. And there are no teachings in Buddhism requiring Buddhists to worship and pray to devas. Worshipping devas would defeat the purpose of Buddhism: to achieve enlightenment. You can't achieve enlightenment if you hold those ideas.


One doesn't have to make an offering or pray to a deity, just thinking they exist and having a feeling or expression of deep respect, love and admiration is all that is required. Which branch of Buddhism do you think denies the existence of Deva's?

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RE is kind of shoving religion down kids throats at some level or another. It's also so easily open to abuse by evangelical types. I know the intention of RE is to raise kids awareness of what some people deeply believe, but why should religion be granted that sort of privilege in schools; some people, after all, deeply believe in all sorts of junk: from astrology to alien UFOs, from ghosts to talking to the dead. Are they going to give those deeply held beliefs time too.


IMO, RE isn't really needed. And neither is the other junk.


---------- Post added 13-10-2013 at 00:25 ----------



You could touch on the religions of the world by teaching world history.It shouldn't need lessons dedicated to RE.


I which other school lesson do you think issues such as morality, right and wrong, stewardship, responsibility, charity , love, respect and so on be covered?

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