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Schools failing in RE

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A group Athiests had a display on Fargate, leaflets etc. I can't remember the actual name of the organisation, but they seemed to be well organised and official. They were as blinded by their beliefs as any High Church God botherer, and not open to any discussion at all. I was surprised by their intolerance and hardline attitudes, (and rudeness.) Nobody knows anything for sure, but their certainty was chilling and as fundamentalist as anything you'd come across.


It seems they want to crush the church completely - mainly it seems because of political reasons and cost, regardless of what it might do to people's personal beliefs and communities. Rather stupidly I'd assumed that they would have had a live and let live attitude, ('we don't believe but understand others might') but not a bit of it. I was reminded of communist Russia...


They absolutely refused to countanance even the vaguest possibility that there might be more to this world than is visible (even scientists have a more open mind on that one) to the point of being abusive (I always try to listen and remain polite but these good manners were not returned.) Nobody knows anything for sure, but their certainty was chilling and as fundamentalist as anything you could come across.


I suppose I should have expected it, but I've never met anyone who hasn't respected another's point of view even if they didn't agree with it.

All in all an unpleasant encounter and a bad advertisement for their organisation I thought.


I think you've just made that up. I note the capitalisation of the letter "a" in atheist, and a convenient failure to remember the name of the organisation concerned.


Besides, even if true that would be an organisation that wants to "crush the church completely" whose members happen to be atheist, not an atheist organisation, much like an organisation that wants to implements Sharia law would probably have members who happen to be theist. I don't know of a single atheist that would want to be part of the former organisation you describe, neither would I use the latter to tar all theists like you have just done with atheists.


I visit Fargate at least twice every week and I have never seen an atheist organisation proselytising there, but I can pretty much guarantee that if I go there now there will be a religious one.

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A group Athiests had a display on Fargate, leaflets etc. I can't remember the actual name of the organisation, but they seemed to be well organised and official. They were as blinded by their beliefs as any High Church God botherer, and not open to any discussion at all. I was surprised by their intolerance and hardline attitudes, (and rudeness.) Nobody knows anything for sure, but their certainty was chilling and as fundamentalist as anything you'd come across.


It seems they want to crush the church completely - mainly it seems because of political reasons and cost, regardless of what it might do to people's personal beliefs and communities. Rather stupidly I'd assumed that they would have had a live and let live attitude, ('we don't believe but understand others might') but not a bit of it. I was reminded of communist Russia...


They absolutely refused to countanance even the vaguest possibility that there might be more to this world than is visible (even scientists have a more open mind on that one) to the point of being abusive (I always try to listen and remain polite but these good manners were not returned.)


I suppose I should have expected it, but I've never met anyone who hasn't respected another's point of view even if they didn't agree with it.

All in all an unpleasant encounter and a bad advertisement for their organisation I thought.


a) they have no belief so how can they be blinded by it


b) what "chilling" thing were they planning on doing in the name of no god:huh:


c) you have forgotten all the details that would make it possible to prove or disprove what you say-a bit like the bible


why would anyone leaflet when they have a live and let live attitude, you only annoy people with leaflets when you want to change their minds-at least they weren't knocking on doors annoying people at tea time.....if they were there at all


I would like to counteract your story by telling you about some christians I met leaflet bombing in orchard square. I can't remember the name of the group but they were shouting at me for being an atheist and weren't interested in answering my questions regarding the sky pixie and whether it would win a fight with the flying spaghetti monster. I think FSM would win by throwing meatballs at the sky pixies beard!

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A group Athiests had a display on Fargate, leaflets etc. I can't remember the actual name of the organisation, but they seemed to be well organised and official. They were as blinded by their beliefs as any High Church God botherer, and not open to any discussion at all. I was surprised by their intolerance and hardline attitudes, (and rudeness.) Nobody knows anything for sure, but their certainty was chilling and as fundamentalist as anything you'd come across.


It seems they want to crush the church completely - mainly it seems because of political reasons and cost, regardless of what it might do to people's personal beliefs and communities. Rather stupidly I'd assumed that they would have had a live and let live attitude, ('we don't believe but understand others might') but not a bit of it. I was reminded of communist Russia...


They absolutely refused to countanance even the vaguest possibility that there might be more to this world than is visible (even scientists have a more open mind on that one) to the point of being abusive (I always try to listen and remain polite but these good manners were not returned.)


I suppose I should have expected it, but I've never met anyone who hasn't respected another's point of view even if they didn't agree with it.

All in all an unpleasant encounter and a bad advertisement for their organisation I thought.


Do you think the Christians who have similar displays on Fargate and refuse to countenance the vaguest possibility that there might not be a god are the "very militant wing" of Christianity or would you reserve that term for other Christians like those in the US who kill doctors who perform abortions?

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A group Athiests had a display on Fargate, leaflets etc. I can't remember the actual name of the organisation, but they seemed to be well organised and official. They were as blinded by their beliefs as any High Church God botherer, and not open to any discussion at all. I was surprised by their intolerance and hardline attitudes, (and rudeness.) Nobody knows anything for sure, but their certainty was chilling and as fundamentalist as anything you'd come across.


It seems they want to crush the church completely - mainly it seems because of political reasons and cost, regardless of what it might do to people's personal beliefs and communities. Rather stupidly I'd assumed that they would have had a live and let live attitude, ('we don't believe but understand others might') but not a bit of it. I was reminded of communist Russia...


They absolutely refused to countanance even the vaguest possibility that there might be more to this world than is visible (even scientists have a more open mind on that one) to the point of being abusive (I always try to listen and remain polite but these good manners were not returned.)


I suppose I should have expected it, but I've never met anyone who hasn't respected another's point of view even if they didn't agree with it.

All in all an unpleasant encounter and a bad advertisement for their organisation I thought.

That's anti-theists, which is not the same as atheism

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Depending on the cult or what the rival religion could be its a pity it isn't a barrier.

And what about radical atheism getting too powerful, if that was to happen some of you posting on here would be in for a bit of a :o


Would you mind defining "radical atheism" so that I can give an appropriate response?

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