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So you are saying there is no problem with being a radical atheist, the problem occurs when they become extreme radical atheists.


Go on then whats and extreme radical atheist:hihi:


What discrimination, bigotry and hate are you talking about? Are you claiming extreme radical atheists hate theists and discriminate against them while being bigoted towards them?

In reply to your question,I'm claiming many of them would given the chance, yes.
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In reply to your question,I'm claiming many of them would given the chance, yes.


and you don't think that's bigoted? You know nothing about these people apart from the fact that they do not have belief in a god and you think they all want to fight about the gods they do not believe exist not existing!

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In reply to your question,I'm claiming many of them would given the chance, yes.


and you don't think that's bigoted? You know nothing about these people apart from the fact that they do not have belief in a god and you think they all want to fight about the gods they do not believe exist not existing!

To be fair, the group in question are hypothetical, originating from Janie herself...

And what about radical atheism getting too powerful, if that was to happen some of you posting on here would be in for a bit of a :o

...so in that sense, she does know about these "people" and what they do or don't want

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A group Athiests had a display on Fargate, leaflets etc. I can't remember the actual name of the organisation, but they seemed to be well organised and official. They were as blinded by their beliefs as any High Church God botherer, and not open to any discussion at all. I was surprised by their intolerance and hardline attitudes, (and rudeness.) Nobody knows anything for sure, but their certainty was chilling and as fundamentalist as anything you'd come across.


On Fargate on a good day you will see SPUC, the Islamists, the homophobic billboard man, happy-clappys and creationist brethren. All are intolerant of something or other, mainly gayness, abortion, women and condoms.


It seems they want to crush the church completely - mainly it seems because of political reasons and cost, regardless of what it might do to people's personal beliefs and communities. Rather stupidly I'd assumed that they would have had a live and let live attitude, ('we don't believe but understand others might') but not a bit of it. I was reminded of communist Russia...


I would like to challenge peoples' views on their faith, particularly when they conflict with others' freedoms. The church has had to concede its power. It didn't give it up voluntarily. Look at Ireland now. Imagine how it still is for Catholic women because the church thinks it has a god-given right to interfere.


They absolutely refused to countanance even the vaguest possibility that there might be more to this world than is visible (even scientists have a more open mind on that one) to the point of being abusive (I always try to listen and remain polite but these good manners were not returned.)


I think you will find that atheists will countenance any possibility if there is some shred of evidence to support it. Are you inferring that atheists and scientists are exclusive of each other? Do you know what percentage of scientists are atheists? The other 8% are probably deists, not flag-waving Christians.


I suppose I should have expected it, but I've never met anyone who hasn't respected another's point of view even if they didn't agree with it.

All in all an unpleasant encounter and a bad advertisement for their organisation I thought.


As for respecting a point of view that is completely without foundation and based on Bronze Age writings doctored through the centuries, please tell me exactly what I am supposed to respect about someone choosing to remain ignorant because they hanker after an imagined past and an eternal future?

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In other words, she invented them so she gets to say what they do/don't want


sorry I wasn't clear at all there-I meant about what an extreme radical atheist is! They seem ok really even though they were invented. If you are going to invent extreme, radical atheists to back up strange ideas about them being evil I would have them killing believers!:hihi:

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You're not the guy I met are you? He had an attitude very similar to yours.


I suffer from social anxiety, hence my username, so no your claimed person could not possibly be me.


I didn't call you a liar either, merely that I didn't believe your story, which I don't. Given insufficient evidence I'm agnostic about your honesty.

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sorry I wasn't clear at all there-I meant about what an extreme radical atheist is! They seem ok really even though they were invented. If you are going to invent extreme, radical atheists to back up strange ideas about them being evil I would have them killing believers!:hihi:


Therein lies the great imbalance. When people talk about extreme/radical theists, they're usually referring to people who commit atrocities in the name of their god/s. When people talk about radical/extreme atheists they're usually referring to someone who tells theists that their beliefs are stupid.


(Same comparison when they talk about militant theists/atheists)

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