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Why do people do this?

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I'm afraid that comment says far more about you than it does Mr Young.


Why, that poor lass was murdered, 5 years old body never found yet he thought it good to post derogatory remarks; methinks you ought to look in the mirror, He admitted disorderly conduct by sending indecent and offensive remarks.


So you condone this kind of behaviour, very strange especially from someone who purports to be Jewish.

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Why, that poor lass was murdered, 5 years old body never found yet he thought it good to post derogatory remarks; methinks you ought to look in the mirror, He admitted disorderly conduct by sending indecent and offensive remarks.


So you condone this kind of behaviour, very strange especially from someone who purports to be Jewish.


Firstly, i do not condone his behaviour or the total over reaction by the authorities and courts.

Secondly, comments deserve a beating? I think not and hope that anyone who did decide to assault the man would face the full weight of the law.

Thirdly, why would i need to look in a mirror? Im perfectly aware of who i am.

Fourthly, Peace and love to you my friend :) .

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It is shameful that this went to court. what a waste of tax payers money and the courts time.


I don't think it's a waste of taxpayers money, and neither did the Crown Office either.


Such vile messages may have been read by the family of the little girl who must be already heartbroken.


If the prosecution of this idiot deters anyone from doing such a cruel thing in the future then it's taxpayers money well spent IMO.

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