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Why do people do this?

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Firstly, i do not condone his behaviour or the total over reaction by the authorities and courts.

Secondly, comments deserve a beating? I think not and hope that anyone who did decide to assault the man would face the full weight of the law.

Thirdly, why would i need to look in a mirror? Im perfectly aware of who i am.

Fourthly, Peace and love to you my friend :) .


Peace to you old boy, but you've chosen a rather distasteful moniker would you not say, surely all it does is sullies the memories of the brave souls murdered in the holocaust.


I have to admit I do find it rather in bad taste, I'm no prude but there has to be a line drawn somewhere old bean.


Boothybabe, perhaps a kicking would stop morons like him wreaking more misery on April's family & families like them, either that or shut down such sites as FB & twitter.


It beggars belief how you cannot condemn comments like that off a vile waste of space.

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Peace to you old boy, but you've chosen a rather distasteful moniker would you not say, surely all it does is sullies the memories of the brave souls murdered in the holocaust.


I have to admit I do find it rather in bad taste, I'm no prude but there has to be a line drawn somewhere old bean.


Boothybabe, perhaps a kicking would stop morons like him wreaking more misery on April's family & families like them, either that or shut down such sites as FB & twitter.


It beggars belief how you cannot condemn comments like that off a vile waste of space.


There is a huge gap between condemning comments and a beating,do you suggest people who post things you disagree with,or find distasteful, on here should be assaulted ?

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There is a huge gap between condemning comments and a beating,do you suggest people who post things you disagree with,or find distasteful, on here should be assaulted ?


Sorry to spoil you're little try at winding me up, there is no comparison; April Jones was murdered her body never found, imagine the turmoil her family are going through.


This person puts vile disgusting comments on social media sites, if someone disagrees with me on here fair play, it's a forum if I wrote vile stuff like he did I'd be banned for life.


You really ought to try to work out the difference between the two things, then perhaps you would not come across as supporting the berks actions.



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There is a huge gap between condemning comments and a beating,do you suggest people who post things you disagree with,or find distasteful, on here should be assaulted ?


I'd agree that provocation by proxy should be no defence for assault and the public should keep their hands to themselves. That said, should Mr Jones ever choose to provide Mr Young with a physical interpreation of the pain he delivered unto him, then that would be a different matter. A blind eye, provocation, you got what you deserved matter.


As for the court procedings, I think that was a waste of money. Far better to just let society deal with it as it did... shamed in the newpapers, becoming a social leper and the losing of his job. Society is more than capable of dealing with issues of social etiquette without involving the police and the courts.

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Peace to you old boy, but you've chosen a rather distasteful moniker would you not say, surely all it does is sullies the memories of the brave souls murdered in the holocaust.

I have to admit I do find it rather in bad taste, I'm no prude but there has to be a line drawn somewhere old bean.


Boothybabe, perhaps a kicking would stop morons like him wreaking more misery on April's family & families like them, either that or shut down such sites as FB & twitter.


It beggars belief how you cannot condemn comments like that off a vile waste of space.


You are entitled to your opinion regardless of how misinformed it is :)


---------- Post added 08-10-2013 at 11:57 ----------


I'd agree that provocation by proxy should be no defence for assault and the public should keep their hands to themselves. That said, should Mr Jones ever choose to provide Mr Young with a physical interpreation of the pain he delivered unto him, then that would be a different matter. A blind eye, provocation, you got what you deserved matter.


As for the court procedings, I think that was a waste of money. Far better to just let society deal with it as it did... shamed in the newpapers, becoming a social leper and the losing of his job. Society is more than capable of dealing with issues of social etiquette without involving the police and the courts.


Thsts an excellent post. Very well said :)

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Firstly, i do not condone his behaviour or the total over reaction by the authorities and courts.

Secondly, comments deserve a beating? I think not and hope that anyone who did decide to assault the man would face the full weight of the law.

Thirdly, why would i need to look in a mirror? Im perfectly aware of who i am.

Fourthly, Peace and love to you my friend :) .


You think that assault should be prosecuted, but not the kind of offence he committed?

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Why, that poor lass was murdered, 5 years old body never found yet he thought it good to post derogatory remarks; methinks you ought to look in the mirror, He admitted disorderly conduct by sending indecent and offensive remarks.


So you condone this kind of behaviour, very strange especially from someone who purports to be Jewish.


Not sure how this is in any way different to a million and one jokes or stand up routines.

Surely frankie boyle's should be serving multiple life sentences using this kind of logic.

If it was sent to her family then I kinda understand, But I doubt it was.

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